Knowing About the New Apps and About Funding Sources

Ivan Augustine
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2017

I was really interested in attending this Entrepreneurship classes to know about the subject in depth. I was eagerly waiting for the 4th trimester to commence and yes it finally started. We got an awesome teacher who himself is an Entrepreneur which made it really easy for him to convey us about the subject and also made it easier for us to grasp the subject quickly.

Sijo (our entrepreneur teacher) taught us many things during this trimester and i personally felt that many things were new to me which was really cool and interesting. One of the things i learned about new applications which are present in the play store for android (since i use HTC phone). There were applications which was made with a very simple concept and the download number was huge. Sijo also taught us how to create your own application by using appmaker site. It was interesting cause i could use my innovative ideas and create app according to my plan. So, appmaker site became useful for my future reference, as in i can implement my ideas on this topic and come up with innovative apps and launch it in the market.

Logo of

This was the first thing which i really got amazed with it. Other thing was Sijo explaining in details about the sources of funds which a startup gets during the initial stages and on a later stage during their business. I was really confused from where does these startup gets fund, how do startups gain trust on the people who funds them and the most important doubt according to me was that what will fund sources gain who will be funding the startups for their project or rather their business model. Sijo explained it beautifully by giving relevant examples, explaining them in details about different fund sources. He gave us a great insights about the Seed Investors (friends and families), Angel Investors and also about the Y Combinators. He also gave us insight about different funding sources by visiting their websites and reading about them. I also learned that the investors who invest their capital on a startup, gains by getting some share of profits from that particular startup in which the investor has invested in.

Logo of Y Combinator

I also learned about the importance of socializing with people. If you have a strong socializing network, it is easier for a person to reach to the top. Same case goes for all the startups, if you have a strong socializing network then it will be easier for the startups to raise capital from the investors.

So, we have almost come to the end of our Entrepreneurship classes and it was really nice of Sijo coming and taking up this subject for us. He made the class really interesting by coming up with new stuffs and imparting knowledge to us. He made sure to bring different people who are handling their own startup to interact with us face to face and really know about how a startup functions and about various cool stuffs.

Taking everything into consideration, the knowledge about the new applications and funding sources really made a mark on me cause i really wanted to know about the fund sources and what made it more interesting was about the various applications.

