“Let the shyness be out… be the Nomad!”

Akhila s
Published in
2 min readSep 25, 2017

“I am a dreamer.. there is a fire in me…I like to explore… I aspire for something new…something more…something which will keep me going… Oh! yes I am a Nomad… I am an Entrepreneur!!!”

There’s always this notion that “Entrepreneurship can’t be taught and not everyone is an Entrepreneur!”. But then there are people who come along the way to help you out… to shape your dreams as they believe that there is a fire in everyone and all they have to do is… “Just Ignite it”. In this two and a half months course of Entrepreneurship the most interesting thing that we all learned was that you have to be an explorer of ideas… you have to be curious… there should always be this question in your head, “Why this and what’s beyond this?” Don’t stop yourself to what you see or what you have heard, because this world is full of possibilities. Always be curios and be the game changer.

As stated by Meera Nair (working @ Full Contact)“ Don’t be shy! It’s OK to be curious and It’s always good to ask questions… Don’t be scared of stepping yourself out from your comfort zone because right now what you fear; one day will turn out to be your strength! ”

So, the question here is why I have referred to an Entrepreneur as a “Nomad” because as the definition says:

“NOMAD”-as defined by Google

Well,the reason is very simple “ I am doing what doesn’t kills me, both mentally and physically!” To be an Entrepreneur one should be like a nomad… who is neither shy nor afraid of going to the new unexplored places in the search of something fresh… something new… who is always looking at things in a different way and is not even shy about it! And above all he/she should be happy about doing it :)

Be it a boy or a girl anyone/everyone can be an entrepreneur. All they have to do is to believe in themselves and that there can be failures and losses but at the end of the day they have to keep on dreaming more and more because “the more you dream the farther you get”.

