Productivity Tools that make our Life Easy!

Amarnath Kamaraj
Published in
2 min readSep 15, 2017

“Productivity is not just doing more. It is about creating more impact with less work”

As a part of my PGDM Program at XIME we had a subject called Entrepreneurship in our Fourth Semester throughout this class we came across many Digital Productivity tools and after that I was very much fond on those tools and found few Interesting Tools and addons which enhanced our Browning experience.Below are few interesting productivity tools which we came across.

  1. Slack helped us to have our Group communication easy and make collective decisions.Our channel
  2. Through Reddit we shared our course materials and other discussion about particular topic and made it available for Public as Digital resource.Our thread
  3. We also came across a prototyping tool called It helped us to learn and create a minimum viable Product.
  4. Evernote is a handy and versatile app that can save notes (audio and text), organize photos, set reminders, and upload attachments, all synced across your various desktop and mobile devices.
  5. Buffer makes it extraordinarily easy to share web articles via social media without headache and hassle. Simply log into Buffer, connect social media accounts, and schedule specific content sharing times.

Few best Chrome Extensions I came across

  1. Turn Off the Lights is for those who watch videos online, frequently. In short, Turn Off the Lights brings atmosphere lightning when you are watching videos from YouTube.
  2. Noisli is a website where you can play preset cocktails of soothing ambient sounds
  3. Grammarly is a widely used and highly reliable Chrome extension to create grammatically correct and impressive messages, articles, documents, and posts
  4. Pocket is a app that lets you save awesome content (articles, images, videos, etc.) to check out later.
  5. Adblock Plus help us to clean our web pages, by removing those clumsy advertisements from sidebars and everywhere else.
  6. WOT allows us to determine trustworthiness of a site / service in a quicker manner.
  7. Boomerang for Gmail is actually an email-scheduling service that is available as a Chrome extension.
  8. Camelizer hat adds product price history information for items displayed in Amazon and other Ecommerce sites.

“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.”

Dalai Lama XIV

To know more have a look at the links below

10 Chrome Extensions that Are Amazingly Useful!

41 Best Google Chrome Extensions



Amarnath Kamaraj
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