What makes entrepreneurs distinct from Businessman?

Mohd Armaan Abbasi
Published in
4 min readSep 24, 2017

Hi!!! Have you also been confused what exactly the difference between an Entrepreneur and a Businessman is? Or you have been using the word interchangeably. Or consider the two be the same. Well I assure you it’s not the same.

Yes, it’s true both of them have similarities as well- Like they provide jobs for unemployed, give solutions to the consumers, and help in developing the economy of a nation. But, still they are not the same kind of people.

Well I myself used both the words synonymously and never gave it a thought. Until recently when we finally in the IVth trimester of our PGDM curriculum got the chance to study, Entrepreneurship!

Through this Article I will try to bring out some differences among them. “Fingers Crossed”. O.K

Before getting into the details let’s try our imagination and think which type of a person we are- What comes into your mind while riding- (i) Your hair will get spoilt and Dirty Or, (ii) You love to feel the air in your hair and enjoy the moment? What do you prefer (i) Planned trips, with destination, tickets, hotels, places to visit all figured out Or (ii) Unexpected trips with friends with no idea what lies ahead or a just a simple nightout? What thought comes to your mind when you have got a new badass bike (i) Follow the speed limits, Not to drive on harmless roads Or (ii) You think of going on routes still not discovered.

Like he Enjoys!!!

My friend if you are able to relate with option “one” always then you are practically not ready to take up entrepreneurship, and that’s not bad because I personally still relate to first option myself, Understanding the difference hasn’t made an Entrepreneur I myself whenever see the rain the first thought in my mind it to keep myself dry and not to get out and enjoy “God’s Shower”.

And, the people who found themselves on the other side of options, then congratulation!!! I have no message for you Guys…. No wait only one in above example I have considered you always carry a helmet with yourself ….

Don’t want to make it boring and long just a few listed differences for people who don’t like philosophical thought-

The Businessman-

Ø When he sets up a business he prefers to use highly valuable ideas or ideas which are strongly demanded by the market. This means his journey is predictable and it follows a clear and definite path.

Ø The risks he takes every day are pretty low as he plays on a well-known ground. Nonetheless, exactly because of this, he has to make his way through the competitors on a daily basis. That's the price to be paid for positioning his business in a crowded market.

Ø His travel companions are the employees, used for the sake of making more profit.

Ø His goal is to grow a business, no matter what.

Ø He treats his customers as a source of sales and revenues.

Ø His daily challenge is to survive the markets and be the winner against all the competitors.

The Entrepreneur-

Ø When starting a business he goes for the off-the-beaten-track route. His journey will drive him through winding roads.There will definitely be many ups and downs before reaching the top of the mountains.

Ø Risk is his daily bread. He deeply believes in his innovative idea and he is willing to do everything in his power to carry it on.

Ø He's not alone in this journey. He treats his employees like friends and they will grow all together with the business.

Ø His goal is to establish his solution on the markets to make the world a better place.

Ø He sees his customers as the fuel of his business.

Ø His daily challenge is to constantly improve his company and the solution he provides, working in cooperation with his employees.

Concluding thoughts-

This year the association of word “Entrepreneurship” had a major influence on my life. Not only that I am studying in a college which has “Entrepreneurship” in its name, but the salubrious environment which was created in classes and particularly “Entrepreneurship” class has really helped me to gain clarity of thoughts. And I think, batch mates will totally relate to this.

Really it takes guts to handle the pressure or ambiguity particularly in this field. I myself have seen my friends, fellow hostellers in trying their hand in entrepreneurship where they wanted to create customised t-shirts. The difficulties they went through and challenges they took are really commendable. But if you have determination then you will definitely succeed. And I can prove it, today while writing this article I am wearing a t-shirt which my friends have created through their effort. If they can do it, then we can also.

Keep looking around, you never know what motivates you and you get the Next Big Idea!!!

Sharing a video- 7 movies every entrepreneur should watch, Grab some popcorn….


[Note- Personal thoughts shared above, Businesspeople keep doing the good work. Cheers!!]

