Working in a start up — Scared or Sacred ??

Athira Antony
Published in
3 min readOct 9, 2017

Homo sapiens as a species are inbuilt with a tendency of comparison in them. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how successful your life is, there is always that eye of envy that gets locked on your what your neighbor is doing. We always have a similar case when it comes to working in a corporate and working in a start up. Its more like a situation where you can see the green oasis across the other side of the desert. While the tough 9–5 job takes a toll on the other aspects of a corporate employee, he looks longingly towards the flexible working hours of a start up. On the other hand, all the start up employee will be looking at, is the job security that the multi storeyed building and the proper systems guarantees to the corporate guy. So what exactly does working in a start up mean? Is it just the option to come to work in casuals or do work in flexible hours or is there more to it that we are yet to explore ?

There has been a lot of stigma around working in a start up and the risks associated with it. The start up culture is known for the freshness associated with it. Not just the freshness is what makes the start up culture stand out. Its also the energy, innovation and the relaxed environment that does the trick.Yes, it does have its negative sides, but i feel that its high time that we choose to see beyond these myths of working in a start up and actually try to see that silver lining that makes this culture unique and a rewarding experience.

You Are Unique !!!

The most important boon in working with a start up is that you get to be unique. You would not be just another person in the crowd, or just another meat piece in front of a computer system. You are valued for that specific skill you have, or that particular quality that you can bring to the table to solve a problem. So if you are a person who likes to row against the glow and be recognized for what you can do best, then start up is exactly the place for you!

Secondly, you are your own boss !! As long as you can deliver what is expected out of you, at the time when you are expected to do so, then no one is going to police over you to get your work done.You have your complete autonomy and flexibility to do your work.

And third, you work in a continuously evolving system, where, as the firm grows, you get to be a part of the growing up phase, rather than just being one among the crowd that watches the company grows. And the higher your company reaches, so does your value add up !

So yes, its actually time that we start considering working in startups as an opportunity to learn, rather than be scared about it !!



Athira Antony
Writer for

It's always a fight between "What if's" & "I wish I had"!!