Quantum x Climate: Steelmaking

Karan Mario Jude Pinto
Entangle Quantum
Published in
17 min readJun 2, 2024


On the deep tech growth cycle being different, the potential role of quantum computing in creating a positive climate impact and the transformational opportunity to unlock energy and material efficiencies in the hard-to-abate heavy industry of steelmaking.

During a recent trip to South Korea, I was lucky to visit one of the world’s largest steel plants in Gwangyang. I write this piece informed by insights gained through this unique experience into steelmaking. Disclaimer: All information shared here are my personal views, and do not reflect the views of my employer.

Seoul, South Korea

Why care about this piece? TL;DR:

I am on a relentless pursuit to make deep technologies useful. I believe in their power to sustainably transform how we make things, move around, power our lives and grow food. However, doing this is hard. This piece explores 3 complimentary topics where I have built up knowhow worth sharing:

  1. The deep tech growth cycle is different: Sustainably growing a deep technology’s impact requires a combination of inspiring, informing, and implementing. It’s about increasing awareness (education), enabling accessibility (platform-led growth), and driving applicability (solution-led growth). This culmination proves the value and justifies the ginormous efforts in moving from sci-fi to sci-fact to business. Far too often, there is…



Karan Mario Jude Pinto
Entangle Quantum

Entrepreneur, Technologist & Innovator | Venture Building x Innovation | Quantum Computing x Sustainability | Investing | Dance x Movement x Mindfulness