Automating lead generation from LinkedIn with and PandaFlow

Eric Popivker
ENTech Solutions
Published in
3 min readJan 29, 2024
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To automate getting leads from LinkedIn we need an API and an automation tool to call the API.

LinkedIn doesn’t offer API for filtering Companies and People. Instead we will use

For Automation we will use, a leading automation platform.

Calling API to get Leads

Documenation for API is a bit incomplete. It lists only some of the criteria that you can pass to filter Companies or Persons.

This page above lists several criteria for find people in LinkedIn, but in reality, all filters available in UI can be used in API.

To be able to use any filter on LinkedIn Search, first I need to create a search in, for ex, here is people search with the following criteria:
Job Title: CEO
Org Revenue: 10M to 25M

The URL looks like this:[]=CEO&page=1&revenueRange[max]=25000000&revenueRange[min]=10000000

Based on this URL e same search in API request will look like this:

"api_key": "Your API Key",
"person_titles" : ["ceo"],
"revenue_range": {"min":10000000, "max":25000000}

There are literally 100 of parameters available in, and it is pretty easy to translate the Search Url to API call. Sounds good? Yes?
Ok let’s go to the next step.

Calling API to get Verified Email+Details for Lead

People Search API only returns high level Person information. You may also notice that for “email” field the value is: “

To get verified email address, as well as other Person/Org information, we can use Enrich call: (documented here)

The request looks like this:

"api_key": "Your API Key",
"id": "6117486c3950a50001296228"

Id is appollo’s id for the person in LinkedIn. The result from this request includes person’s email as well as details of employment history, and more info about organization that the person is currently working for.

One thing to note about using enrich API is that each call is worth 1 email credit. The free account gets 1200 email credits/year, but if you pay for a basic account which is $15-$20 per month — you get unlimited credits. That’s a pretty good deal.

Using PandaFlow to insert results into Google Sheet

PandaFlow has nice user interface for creating simple flows.

Here is the flow that does the following:

  1. Get People from LinkedIn using Criteria that I need
  2. Enrich each person returned from LinkedIn with Verified email and other details
  3. Insert both Person and Organization data into Google Sheet

At the end of running this flow we have google sheet with all the info from LinkedIn:


In this post we demonstrated how we can get Person and Organization information from LinkedIn using and PandaFlow. Next we will use some AI magic to generate content for cold emails using the data we collected in Google Sheet.



Eric Popivker
ENTech Solutions

Living in .NET world for 20+ years. Founder of .NET Fiddle.