A wedding for rent

Published in
3 min readNov 29, 2022
Image source: https://www.thegoan.net/

I, I will be king
And you, you will be queen
Though nothing will drive them away
We can beat them, just for one day

David Bowie’s famous “Heroes” was written at different times. A song about impossible love, about the division of the Berlin wall, and the madness of a world, enslaved by prejudice and norms of the past. And just like Satoshi achieved more for people’s financial freedom than all the free-market think tanks couldn’t in decades, the metaverse is making the impossible love possible, the division obsolete, and the madness of the World…kind of a cool feature.

Yes, we are talking about that tiny part of the Whole Wide Web where you can be anyone, everything, or even…nothing. Since the beginning of April, one truly inspiring initiative has started in the metaverse game Decentraland. The so-called Closeup City Hall Of Love offers marriage NFT certificates to any couple willing to say “Yes” inside the meta world.

You can imagine the life-changing effects of such a simple yet important gesture to a whole community like the LGBTQ one. Most parts of the World still pose restrictions on same-sex marriage. Some even might stop you from getting married if your spouse’s religion or race is not “the right one.”

Vice is telling us exactly the same story. You can see how the location of Euphoria and Sam remained hidden from the viewers. Maybe for the good reasons of their safety from the local law. Decentraland has no laws. No borders. No walls and prejudice from the past. The same certificate issued for the queer couple might be given to you and your favorite pet or even to your beloved cactus, for example. Because love is for everyone.

So how did everything become possible?

Of course, such a feature might be useful not only to the ones restricted by law or prejudice. Getting married has one more obstacle — money. Yes, throwing a wedding party might be a costly initiative. Getting your friends into Decentraland, on the other hand, is basically free. Of course, there are some expenses too — land is not cheap, building the temple for your dream wedding is not cheap, and not even getting appropriately dressed is.

That’s where our LandWorks protocol comes in to save your wedding party from costing you a fortune. First of all, you don’t need to spend tens of thousands of dollars buying land in DCL only to use it once. You can rent one! In fact, the City Hall Of Love is actually built on parcel leased from a user of our protocol to CloseUp. Thanks to our transparent smart contract, we already know this amazing scene will be there for at least a year. What’s gonna happen to it when the lease period ends? We don’t know. But we are certain such initiatives will spark on different lands, metaverses, blockchains, etc.

NowLandWorks is giving you the opportunity to rent a place for a day, build the temple of your dreams, using our step-by-step guide and our open source / free-to-use and modify scenes, throw the party of your life…and forget about the cleanup :)

Yes, we are now offering eight beautiful buildings (scenes) completely free and open-sourced. They all carry the signatures and styles of the top metaverse architects and artists and are waiting for your epic party.

So don’t hesitate. No second thoughts are accepted here. Be brave!

…or like ser Bowie once said

I, I can remember
Standing, by the wall
And the guns, shot above our heads
And we kissed, as though nothing could fall
And the shame, was on the other side
Oh we can beat them, for ever and ever


