EnterDAO Roadmap update

Zhivko Todorov
Published in
4 min readMar 31, 2022

Retrospect on the first 6 months of the DAO and a look at what’s ahead.

EnterDAO was founded on-chain in September 2021. It’s been a wild six months that zapped in the blink of an eye.

Although six months is a minuscule time horizon for any DAO/project/startup, looking back at all of this we couldn’t be happier with the progress made over that period.

  • Launched the first version of LandWorks — the first marketplace for renting metaverse land!
  • Launched the first version of MetaPortal —a cross-platform desktop application, serving as a single point of access to Web3 games and Metaverse events.
  • Successfully launched the Sharded Minds NFTs with 1,600 unique holders (wallets) and only 2.8% of the total supply listed for sale at the time of writing.
  • Published an Ethereum Improvement Proposal that would enable seamless renting of any NFT, potentially serving as a major enabler for the Web3 metaverse!
  • Successfully ran a yield farming campaign to attract community members from 8 prominent metaverse projects, peaking at over $100M in TVL.
  • Activated the DAO (through staking) and pushed governance on-chain. In fact, we successfully passed our first proposal for a metaverse scene builders grants program (yet to be launched).
  • Accumulated >450 ETH into the treasury (part of which is going to the grants program). Not accounting for the 12M ENTR in the treasury governed by the DAO.
  • Last, but most importantly, cultivated an organic community that is extremely supportive and sees through the FUD. Much love to everyone who’s along for the ride. We’re just getting started.

We’re still quite early in the growth of EnterDAO as we’re building market infrastructure for the Web3 metaverse for the next years to come. We’ve delivered on our initial whitepaper, but got an extensive roadmap ahead of us. Not only in terms of product development, but in terms of growing our community, contributors team and further decentralizing governance and structuring processes around that.

The goal of this article is to shed some light on the roadmap ahead.


LandWorks launched a rental marketplace for Decentraland land. In the next few months (and for some of the items, much sooner), expect:

  • Publishing the Quantstamp audit (The audit is done. That’s the second completed audit of LandWorks)
  • User interview program (ongoing)
  • Redesign and UX/UI improvement of the marketplace
  • Integration with other metaverses. The immediate ones are CryptoVoxels and FLUF Burrows, with the caveat that while we could seamlessly integrate with Decentraland, integration with most other games would also depend on their teams/intentions as well
  • A page for scene builders and service providers
  • Partnerships with scene builders and other infrastructure projects to speed up adoption
  • Grants program for open-sourcing scenes and infrastructure


Similar to LandWorks, we have the MVP out there and a ton of features and integrations to be built on top:

  • WalletConnect integration
  • News section with articles about the latest developments in the web3 gaming space
  • Favourites — so you can save all your favourite games, events, and news
  • Polygon support
  • Referral program
  • SDK for game developers to integrate with the MetaPortal wallet
  • More quests and a leaderboard to keep it competitive
  • NFT Marketplace integration
  • Social features — frens, activity feeds, chat
  • DEX aggregator
  • RentWorks integration


RentWorks? Yes, RentWorks, anon. Renting land is just a primer for renting utility-based NFTs. In-game characters, wearables, you name it.

Wen? Soon.


While building out RentWorks, we stumbled across another use case of a DeFi x NFTs crossover. We pretty much have the smart contracts ready (unaudited) and are in the early stages of setting up a DAO to DAO Joint Venture with another protocol, that precedes EnterDAO, to take this product to market. The reason for exploring a joint venture is that the product does not quite fit the core mission of EnterDAO.

Sharded Minds

Excluding unfavourable gas conditions during the launch, the mint of Sharded Minds was a success. We’re happy with the effect it had on our community, which has only 2.8% of the total NFTs listed for sale. Not many projects can boast that.

We’ll be bringing value to the NFTs and their holders continuously. On our immediate roadmap we have:

  • Metaverse wearables
  • Exclusive metaverse events in different games
  • Rewards / perks across EnterDAO’s product portfolio
  • Access to partner mint, in-game events, and content


There is no gold standard for governance yet and pretty much everyone in the space is still in the experimentation stage. We’re committed to further decentralizing EnterDAO in terms of governance, through the following mechanisms:

  • Setting up official community delegates as proposed by 1ab/m0xt in order to help engage smaller holders in the governance
  • Exploring more CEX listings
  • Hold monthly governance calls on Discord

That pretty much covers what we’re working on right now. This roadmap is dynamic and can change based on 1) feedback from the community/DAO 2) the process of building all of this as we’re constantly ideating and experimenting with new primitives.

EnterDAO is a 6-month old organization/project whose long-term success is based on the premise of the open metaverse. What we’re building is essentially market infrastructure for metaverses and Web3 games and the success of EnterDAO depends on the success and level of development of those spaces as well. It’s early, but it’s slowly coming together.

Few were around when OpenSea launched in 2017 and saw little to no activity for 3 years before going ballistic in 2021. So when metaverse experiences and Web3 gaming reach the mainstream, EnterDAO should be well-positioned.

That’s it. If you made it this far, anon, you must be a believer in the future of the metaverse and in the future of EnterDAO. For which, we’re grateful.

Join the Discord to stay up to date on updates, community calls and all around vibes.


