New passive income stream for metaverse landlords

Published in
4 min readJan 19, 2023

LandWorks is a renting marketplace enabling period-based renting of land in several Web3 Metaverse games. LandWorks is part of the portfolio of products developed and maintained by the EnterDAO community and aims to democratize real estate in the Metaverse.

We are pleased to announce that we have partnered up with Precision X to bring an additional layer of monetization to our Decentraland landlords.

We’ve chosen to partner with Precision X for two reasons. The first one is that their team are true believers in the upcoming Metaverse future, thus aligning closely to our vision. And the second is that they are deeply rooted in the advertising industry and their network expands among AAA brands and agencies. Precision X has chosen us because LandWorks is the most secure, decentralized, and robust lending protocol out there. We hope our partnership will secure an inflow of Web2 businesses into the Metaverse.

Our landlords will be able to earn real passive income on their listed properties, even without someone renting them, by placing billboards on them until they get rented. This means that you can start earning from your metaverse land the moment you list your property on LandWorks.

Why is this important?

We are hopeful that such a partnership will bring more and more Web2 businesses into the Metaverse, and more and more new users will have the chance to gain exposure to the new age economy. Major brands will dip their toes into the vast ocean of Web3 opportunities, and that will give a good utility boost to the whole ecosystem.

Of course, this is an entirely new way of getting a return out of your metaverse properties, and our community will gain a new layer of monetization and utilization of the rented land. So we consider this partnership as a win-win.

How does it work?

First, you need to have a property available to list on our platform. You can check this video if you aren’t familiar with the process.

There will be an additional step, where you need to opt-in to be part of the advertisement program. You would need to confirm the opt-in by signing a message in your wallet.

Opt-in option before signing message

Once you complete your listing, a billboard will be placed on your property, and you can start earning from unique views on that billboard.

If you have listed your land on LandWorks already, you would need to opt-in for the advertisements from the property details page by turning on the toggle and signing a message in your wallet.

The Ad option in our system

Here is a detailed process map of how the advertisement layer within LandWorks will work. For any questions, don’t hesitate to pop into our Discord server!

Detalied process map

How much can I earn?

Income from billboards is based on the number of unique views the billboard accumulates while active. For each unique view, the reward will be 0.025 USDC. However, if you hold a Sharded Mind NFT (in the wallet which has listed the land), this reward will be doubled to 0.05 USDC.

The rewards from the advertisement will be available to claim on a monthly basis through in LandWorks.

The Ad option in our system

Precision X will track the unique views of each deployed billboard. Unique views are individual persons who have viewed the advertisement. The difference with a view is that the number of views is not counted, but only the number of individual persons. Example: If a person views a billboard 10 times, the system only evaluates this once instead of 10 times — a unique view was generated. Precision X has a really good anti-fraud system and will detect any artificial activity. In such cases, the corresponding number of these classified unique views will be deducted from the total number of unique views achieved for the day.

Here is a preview of how the billboards will look in Decentraland

The Precision X billboard is sexy af

Next steps?

The ability to opt-in for ads is already available with the latest release of LandWorks. There will be a one-month period where existing and new landlords will be able to opt-in for ads rewards on their listings until the rewards start accumulating. On the 13th of February 2023 the advertisements will start to accumulate views per listed property. So please have in mind that if you have opted-in for ad rewards, they will start kicking in from the 13th of February 2023.

For now, the advertising revenue layer will be available for Decentraland only, but we are hopeful it will expand even further.

Any questions, comments, or concerns are welcomed in our Discord.

