The Metaverse Times #29

Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2022

Welcome back to this week’s issue of The Metaverse Times, a newsletter where we cover all the latest news and updates surrounding the EnterDAO project, as well as other various bits and pieces going on within the general metaverse ecosystem.

Cryptovoxels Integration

The popular virtual world ‘Cryptovoxels’ is on track to complete its integration with LandWorks. By utilising LandWorks infrastructure, we will essentially be able to make Cryptovoxels land plots both lendable and rentable. This is a huge step for EnterDAO, as this is our second major metaverse integration for LandWorks, with many more to come over the course of 2022. This new integration is not yet set in stone, as it still needs to pass through as a governance proposal. However, you can expect voting to go live sometime within the next 24 hours. An official announcement will be made on Both Twitter and Discord!

Blockchain Bandits Integration

We are pleased to announce that we have officially integrated the popular game ‘Blockchain Bandits’ into the MetaPortal. The game is currently still in its beta stage, and is only accessible to a select few. However, if you are one of the lucky ones that currently has beta access, you can now easily enter the game via the MetaPortal. For those who don’t know, Blockchain Bandits started out as a collection of 3333 ‘Bandits’, who have now since evolved to a point in which they now have an entire Web3 game that has been constructed around them. If you would like to learn more about this new game, including the collection, feel free to do so here.

Community Call/AMA

Once again, the core team hosted another epic community call, followed by a live AMA. This week, as you all know we dropped the Cryptovoxels alpha, and gave further updates surrounding the MetaPortal, including new gaming integrations etc.. This week the team also spoke about their plans for the Sharded Minds NFT collection. Currently, we are exploring a metaverse where we would like to create some form of gated entry, reserved exclusively for our loyal SM holders. We are exploring ideas for what we could do in a metaverse for our holders, some ideas include hosting parties, Web3 events, or even potentially hosting a live AMA for our community with our core team. As EnterDAO is entirely community driven, please reach out to us or post in the Discord server if you have any ideas of what you might like to see from an EnterDAO hosted event! If you would like to listen to the recording, hop on over to our Discord server!

Metaverse Bits

NFTrade Partners With Immutable X

Immutable recently announced that they have entered into an official partnership with NFTrade. For those who don’t know, NFTrade is a blockchain-agnostic NFT platform, that allows its community to create, buy, swap and sell NFTs. Their NFT platform will now be able to harness the power of Immutable’s Layer 2 technology, and offer its community zero-gas transactions. If you would like to learn more about this partnership, you can do so via the link above.

Nifty Island Announces PalmDAO

Popular metaverse game Nifty Island has introduced its latest venture, ‘PalmDAO’. Through this announcement, the Nifty Island team have announced that the PalmDAO has acquired a variety of blue-chip NFTs that will make up the PalmDAO treasury. As the name states, the treasury will be governed entirely by palm holders. This means that anyone who currently owns an NFT from the legendary palms collection will have a say in how the PalmDAO will operate going forward. Palm holders will also get to decide what the DAO does with these NFTs, and they will also get to decide what NFT projects to integrate with in the future. Further details are in the link above.

Quixotic Interface Upgrade

For those who are unaware, Quixotic is an up and coming NFT platform built natively on the Optimism network. Because Quixotic is built natively on Optimism, it is able to offer its users NFTtrades that are a fraction of the cost that would normally be experienced on Layer 1 Ethereum. Recently, the team put out an update which has added a number of new features to the Quixotic interface. Some of these features include a USD pricing toggle, Activity chart updates, and improved sorting functionality on marketplace activity and statistics. For the full list of feature upgrades, please refer to the link provided.

To stay up to date on all our products, as well as the latest news and updates, be sure to follow us on Twitter and jump into our Discord server.

