Episode 15: Making IoT development suck less with Atomiton

Mike Bestvina
Enterprise Should Suck Less
2 min readJun 8, 2016
The former GE and Cisco CTO himself looking snazzy enough to take on IoT (and for real, not just the buzzword)

Amit and I had the pleasure of speaking with Alok Batra, CEO of Atomiton, an IoT platform that helps companies harmonize connections to internet connected devices. In one of our earlier episodes Amit and I talked about winning the buzzword bingo game, and IoT is clearly a big player on the buzzword list, so we were exciting to hear the real behind the scenes story from an industry veteran. Here’s the thing (“thing”, get it?), Atomiton is one of the few companies that actually gets it. Having served as CTO of GE Software and CTO of Cisco Platforms and Solutions, Alok knows a thing or two about the millions of internet connected devices and what complexities appliance manufacturers have with dealing with varieties of devices.

Times are changing and so are the assumptions. We talk with Alok about how the prevailing skill gap in IoT is widening and what Atomiton is ultimately doing to enhance the customer experience when it comes to connected devices. But don’t worry, the Atomiton platform does also support Big Data, Virtual Reality, and Chatbots in case you were wondering. We’re really looking forward to see how the pace of innovation will rapidly increase for large enterprise manufacturers, mainly because it means a better consumer experience for you and I.

Interested in what skills are required to become a Software Engineer in IoT? Check out Atomiton’s list of 12 Essential IoT Skills.

