Episode 21: Sunil Coushik of Prijector on making meeting rooms suck less

Amit Pande
Enterprise Should Suck Less
1 min readAug 23, 2016

“Make everything about meetings more smart & actionable”

13 years after I first met this eclectic entrepreneur, in episode 21, Mike and I had the pleasure of hosting Sunil Coushik, CEO and Founder of Prijector, a smart hub that sits in meeting rooms and supports multiple video conferencing apps. Sunil formerly scaled Bubble Motion (Sequoia funded). We dove into a broad range of topics around meetings including:

  • The problem Sunil noticed traveling to 10–12 countries every month and how that shaped the design of Prijector
  • Crazy stats e.g. it still takes 16 minutes to start a meeting and get going
  • Real meeting room problems: Stolen dongles, guess wi-fi, remote users
  • Proprietary hardware v/s open software approach to meeting rooms
  • Differentiating in a red ocean space of so many collaboration apps (a.k.a should you build another Skype?)
  • Microsoft and Google approach, backward compatibility, need for APIs
  • How teachers, pastors, and medical reps are using Prijector
  • Sunil’s hacks to make powerpoint driven meetings more effective

You can follow Sunil on Twitter. Also check out their newest offering Peasy.



Amit Pande
Enterprise Should Suck Less

Marketing and Product Experiences for Enterprise Software via Aviso AI, Tact.ai, HP, Yahoo, Oracle. Alumnus of Stanford GSB and University of Minnesota.