Episode 23: Drew DeWalt of Rhumbix on how mobile unclogs construction bottlenecks

Amit Pande
Enterprise Should Suck Less
2 min readOct 20, 2016

“Construction workers are hard working, take great pride in craftsmanship, and yearn for new solutions”

Despite being a $12 TRILLION industry, among the many “rugged” industries, Construction is notorious for its slow pace of digitization.

Thus, in episode 23, Mike and I focused on construction tech and who’s making it suck less. Our guest was Drew DeWalt, one of the founders of Rhumbix (with Zachary Scheel) who spoke on how mobile is transforming construction. Both founders are Stanford Business alums.

We discussed many topics in mobility including

  • How the founders’ former military and construction experience helped them define a great product for men and women in the trenches
  • How the construction industry is tech forward e.g. with underground magnetic resonance, robots, but slower on cloud and mobile
  • How 50% of the time, construction workers are just waiting on information, and how mobile changes overall project visibility
  • The mindset shift from average in-house apps to mobile SaaS
  • Reducing the administrative burden for frontline workers with great UX
  • Focusing beyond end users on payroll admins, PMs, foremen, and owners
  • ROI (or lack of) for wearables, AR, drones and other frontier tech



Amit Pande
Enterprise Should Suck Less

Marketing and Product Experiences for Enterprise Software via Aviso AI, Tact.ai, HP, Yahoo, Oracle. Alumnus of Stanford GSB and University of Minnesota.