Week 8: Enterprise Apps to Watch

Mike Bestvina
Enterprise Should Suck Less
2 min readMar 23, 2016

Box, Betterworks, Medallia

Box (box.com)

What is it? Storage and collaboration of documents for businesses.

Who uses it? Everyone. Ok, not everyone, but a lot of companies do. More than 100k, including more than 90% of F500.

Why is it better? If you’ve ever tried to collaborate on documents, you’ll know how painful it is to manage versions, add comments, and pass files back and forth. Box makes all of that simple.

BetterWorks (betterworks.com)

What is it? Goal setting and management platform on the concept of OKR — Objectives & Key Results.

Who uses it? Aol, GoPro, Edmunds, Lumeris and everything in between.

Why is it better? In the past, people were managed by MBOs or SMART systems. The idea of OKR was set by Google management in the 2000’s and BetterWorks simply helps companies manage those goals and objectives.

Medallia (medallia.com)

What is it? Software to identify and manage customer experience.

Who uses it? They have a stronghold in the services industry, mainly hotels, resorts, retail, and software, but also expanded into B2B, telco, and more. Big customers include Marriott, Best Western, PayPal, Macy’s, and more.

Why is it better? CX software is relatively new to the market and Medallia has had a leg up in capturing the market early.

