What is Internal Service Catalog

Peter Zalman
Enterprise UX
Published in
1 min readJan 20, 2023

This is an article series, and it makes sense to start with the definition of service offering.

An internal service catalog is a document or database that lists all the service offerings the firm makes available to its members. It is a centralized repository that contains up-to-date and reliable information on these service offerings. It can be visualized as a store through which employees request services and goods, anything from employee verification letters to office access, IT supplies or software licenses and access.

The service catalog is typically used as a reference for employees to understand what services are available to them, and it includes information such as the description of the service, the cost of the service, and how to request the service.

Service catalogs also act as a knowledge management tool for service professionals, allowing them to route requests for and about services to the subject matter experts who own, are accountable for, and operate them. It is a key tool to effectively collaborate on service requests across internal departments, especially if the service involves more than one service offering.

How does a good service catalog look like? Continue with the anatomy of service catalogue.

Internal Service Catalog.



Peter Zalman
Enterprise UX

I am crafting great ideas into working products and striving for balance between Design, Product and Engineering #UX. Views are my own.