Dwayne Johnson is famous worldwide for multiple things. He has starred in some of the biggest blockbusters in recent Hollywood history, plus he was in WWE for more than a decade, and he was considered to be one of the best wrestlers in the industry. But the thing that separates Johnson from other celebrities is his enormous body. And the man to thank for that is George Farah, his longtime trainer and nutrition guru.

To test The Rock’s wellness regime, Good Morning America assigned Farah to Randy Scott, a 35-year-old from West Virginia. He would go through the same diet and workout regime and see the results. Scott is not just any man who has never worked out before. He has been into fitness and healthy nutrition for some time, but it was not on a highly professional level. Only three years ago he started devoting more attention to his exercises and his diet.

Scott said: “At first I thought that lifting heavy weights was the only thing that mattered. I experienced a few minor injuries due to this naivety. I have never been truly overweight, but I was definitely unhealthy before. I would go out and drink too much and eat poorly. I was the typical “invincible” 20-something.”

When he returned to the gym, Scott was going through workouts without seeing any serious results. He went to the gym on a regular basis, but the changes were small and insignificant. Having failed to accomplish his goals, Scott quit the gym, and he was inactive for a while.

He pointed out: “About three years ago, I decided to get serious. I did the research, started eating correctly and started taking the proper supplements. When I met George [Farah], he reiterated a lot of things that I had learned about bodybuilding. Less focus on the weight and more focus on the concentration of the specific muscle you are working on.”

Randy also added: “Workouts were definitely not the main focus of our visit though. George is a dietitian, and he focuses on the proper foods and supplements needed to help in the development of muscles and your body as a whole. I was genuinely surprised the first time I saw the meal plan he had set up for me, mostly because of the large amount of carbs involved.”

Scott decided to consult other trainers and fitness people, and all of them told him to reduce the intake of carbs by a large amount. However, he decided not to take their advice and go with George’s plan which forced Scott to eat 35 ounces of rice a day as well as sweet potatoes. It didn’t take long for Scott to realize that he was feeding his body with good carbs and that large quantities are fine in that case. He was thrilled with the results after three weeks of sticking to the schedule, but this fitness plan is not perfect.

Scott acknowledged: “The biggest drawbacks I experienced were the time involved and the price. While celebrities/athletes/etc. have personal chefs to take care of meal prep and shopping and other essential time robbers, I, unfortunately, did not. My Sundays have vanished into a fitness free-for-all involving shopping, cooking and prepping for the week. I also dedicate at least two hours a day to working out.”

However, Randy said that he loved the journey and that he would continue learning about his body. This guy decided to go on with this plan which he would have to alter slightly to reduce costs. However, the plan is obviously working, which is why Scott doesn’t plan to stop.

Below, you can see Randy Scott’s diet and exercise plan. It is recommended by Farah, but this plan doesn’t have the support of medical authorities so consult with experts before starting.

• First thing in the morning you need is one cup of black coffee and one teaspoon of MCT (medium-chain triglycerides) oil. Cardio for 35 minutes follows, but with 130-plus heart rate. • Shower then eat your first meal.

• Five grams BCAA supplements must be taken with each meal. The meals are listed below, and they are copied from Randy’s program.

Originally published at www.opptrends.com on March 1, 2018.

