Leonardo DiCaprio and Global Warming

Alexa Norrigan
2 min readDec 8, 2016


Among the numerous important issues facing Americans in this contentious election season, climate change stands as one of, if not the, most urgent. Fisher Stevens’ new documentary “Before the Flood,” produced by Leonardo DiCaprio, examines our planet’s everlasting ecological nightmare, a look at our bleak future if we continue to stand idly by and a call to arms to stand up for change. Some of the subjects interviewed in the film include President Barack Obama, Pope Francis, Elon Musk and more.

The public can watch the full documentary courtesy of National Geographic and YouTube. These companies insisted on using their own platforms to help promote the topic of climate change. By allowing access to this documentary these platforms are allowing the information on climate change to be tangible for all audiences to see. Since YouTube is large video platform it is essential in the efforts of this documentary’s promotional tactics to be accessible to the public to generate a larger awareness of the issue

