Taylor Swift’s “Swiftmas”

Alexa Norrigan
2 min readDec 6, 2016

Taylor Swift is one of the biggest and most successful musical moguls of this generation. Being a singer-songwriter who started off creating country music, her sound began to include genres of pop, alternative rock and more. Winning multiple awards, including American Music Award for Artist of the Year, Video of the Year, Billboard Music Awards, Grammys and more, Taylor has climbed to the top.

Taylor Swift currently has 94.2 million followers on her Instagram account which is a great platform for her to to promote her music, pictures from her tours and personal life. Having the numerous amount of fans that she does, she can be a very influential and inspiring woman to many. After her tour for her album RED concluded, the album 1989 was became a booming era for Taylor and her fans. During this time, Christmas was coming around the corner and Taylor wanted to make sure her fans were being appreciated. Aspects of her fans lives were being studied through all social media accounts: their likes and dislikes, friends and family, job, etc. On the fans’ pages, one Santa emoji would be commented in which the fans unknowingly knew it was Taylor herself. The “tay-lurking” was done strategically, and large packages started to show up on her fans’ doorsteps. This holiday, known as “Swiftmas,” was a remarkable way Taylor wanted to say thank you to her adoring fans.

On her YouTube channel, Taylor created a video in which she filmed herself personally wrapping gifts that she went out and bought for her fans. Showing her house, her cats and more, this video made a very personable connection between fans and their idol. She named some of the fans in the video, even including details about them which let people know that Taylor took the liberty to find out things about her fans on her own time. After her fans created reaction videos of them receiving their packages, “Swiftmas” went viral, covered by BuzzFeed, Billboard Music, MTV News and more.

The video, which now has more than 18 million views on YouTube, was an incredible way for her to publicize herself, but more importantly the good values that she stands for. The video showed her friendly and loving personality and by having such a tender relationship with her fans, she gained newly-found support from people alike.

