Microdosing or Using Psychedelics? Here’s How to Support Academic Research

Support vital research, whether microdosing or taking a psychedelic on your own, in a group, or as part of a ceremony

N.J. Elliott
Published in
3 min readMar 17, 2020


Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Disclaimer: Please note that this article is for information and harm reduction purposes only. Psychedelics are illegal in most countries. The publisher and author of this article do not condone the purchase, possession, sale, or consumption of any illegal substances.

The tide is turning in the world of Psychedelics. Academic research is taking off in North America and Europe. This includes research into potential applications in the treatment of migraines, anxiety and depression. Additional research is also looking at the effect of Psychedelics increasing creativity.

Despite this, most scientific studies require specific conditions and are run in expensive laboratory’s. This often means administering substances to subjects in controlled, sometimes unfriendly, environments.

This is a problem as the ‘set’ and ‘setting’ are thought to be key factors in successful and meaningful Psychedelic experiences.

Set (a shortened form of “mindset”) refers to the mental state a person brings to the experience, like thoughts, desires



N.J. Elliott

Writer. The war on drugs, mental health, education, psychedelics, and others.