EntHire Part 2: Providing an Optimal Solution to the Tech Talent Ecosystem

Ashana Sachan
EntHire Blog


With the plan of building a start-up company and brainstorming on different ideas — Nikunj, Abhishek, and Anuraag had come together, but still, they were knee-deep in their work at their respective organisations. All of them were juggling between their jobs and at the same time, trying to think of the optimal way to address these inherent flaws they recently found in the Tech talent recruiting ecosystem. The time differences among their workplaces, where three of them worked, did not make their conversations easier. (Anuraag — Singapore, Nikunj — San Fransicso, Abhishek — New York)

Some days they used to talk for long hours whereas, on some, they were too occupied to even speak for days. Despite so much work, whenever they got breaks in between, they continued to work on their research and talking to Hiring Managers and TA folks to understand their problems better. They discovered that most of the companies do not have a system of training their Technical Interviewers (apart from a few giant players like Facebook and Google).

“ This void of a standardized training system invites randomness, and also allows biases in the hiring to play during the interviews.”

Then, some companies have to bear the brunt of this drawback through the bad hires every year. But the biggest problem for the businesses is the cost associated with a long drawn out recruitment.

Here the question was whether this problem in hiring was encountered by only a few companies or is it affecting the whole Industry?

To find out that if conducting technical interviews via the experienced interviewers would help small and start-up companies in getting a competent and diverse workforce, Nikunj planned to interview a few candidates.

Nikunj already had the experience of hiring from his previous company “Reflektion”, where he built a new team. He offered to interview a few technical candidates for some start-ups in his network, where he wrote extremely meticulous feedback for the candidate whom he interviewed. His feedback was highly appreciated by the companies hiring at that moment.

Encouraged by this response, the three of them thought that they could offer Interviewing as an API to the market. However, after doing market research at their end, they were not sure if this interview model was adding much value to the hiring ecosystem. Plus not everyone was willing to pay a premium for just interviewing.

Hiring problem of any company is not only the interviewing process or experienced interviewers but instead lies in being able to find relevant candidates for their openings. They soon realized that what the companies require is a pool of vetted candidates. At this point, their idea of a four-way marketplace started evolving. They decided to identify all the stakeholders in this hiring process and work towards improving communication among them to make it more efficient.

Well, the plan started taking its shape from here. But the solution was not enough for sure.

They knew that they wanted companies, candidates, and skilled interviewers in their ecosystem, and these were the three main pillars to their idea. Here comes the main challenge that was getting the traction of the best pool of candidates to visit their website and get them on board on the platform. Often, there are times when suitable and perfect candidates for a particular job are the ones who are not looking for a change or switch.

“These passive candidates are an untapped gold mine, and without the recruiters who find and inform them about opportunities, the platform would remain devoid of the talent.”

Voila! They founded the fourth pillar in their constructive idea, i.e., Freelance Recruiters, who talk to the candidates, make them aware of new attractive job opportunities and seek their interest in them

They then covered all the major stakeholders in the hiring process, including recruiters, who will help by providing the candidates.

The goal was now to improve this four-tier ecosystem further.

As they did not want to stay in the US for long, they decided to move back with an idea of working on the deep-rooted problems faced by every other Software Engineer. They like to build things from scratch and wanted to do this together as a team which became one of the motivating reasons to come together. They started interacting with more people in their network about their plans, and then their conviction about “companies not having calibrated interviewers” being a problem increased. After their exhaustive research, three of them decided to take this venture of providing vetted candidates to the companies forward.

At EntHire, we want to build the go-to place for any candidate and company to find the best match! If you are a candidate searching for jobs, fast track your application with us. If you are a company looking to build your team, reach out to complete hires within days! Shoot us an email at business@enthire.co

You might be wondering how they initially met? So, here is the first part of their journey- Part 1

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Ashana Sachan
EntHire Blog

Software Engineer turned Marketer | Social Media | EntHire- building OS of Tech Talent.