Real World Application to Enthusiasm

Zachary Asman
The Importance of Enthusiasm
2 min readFeb 26, 2018

When I was a junior in high school, I would dread going to school everyday. I hated waking up early and often struggeled staying awake in class. All of my teachers would purposly move my desk to the front of the classroom just so I wouldnt drift away in my thoughts during class. I did not and would not know how to fix this issue until I started to observe one of my teachers behaviors during class. I started to observe this teacher because it was so hard not to. My teacher was the most enthusatic teacher the school had ever seen. Everyday he made it his goal to personally connect with his students and ensure everyone is engaged within his classroom. Once I started to notice how his enthustiastic behavior not only helped shape his classroom but how it benefitted all of his students, I wanted to learn how to be more enthusiastic like him.

What I asked my teacher after class?

One day after class, I wanted to ask my teacher, Mr. Lomonaco, the reason why he was always so enthusatic and energetic. He told me that being enthustic makes it easier to reach to the minds of students and is a great way to bond not only students but faculty members as well. He encouraged me to be as enthustic as possible. That way I could spread my enthusaism to others. He then explained to me that Enthuasim is contagious and that if your enthusiastic, that enthusiasm might rub off on someone else. When I left his classroom that day it was my goal to become more enthuastic.

Ways I became More Enthusiastic?

In order to become more enthusiastic, I had to practice everyday. I would find myself trying to spread this enthusasiam to my friends just to see if Mr Lomonacos theory of enthusiasm being contagious is true. Turns out, he was right all along. The more and more I tried to be enthusiastic, I noticed that others would try to be enthusiastic with me. I practiced being enthusiastic not only around my friends but my family as well. They immedatly noticed a change in my attitude and behavior for the better. I then noticed that they were more enthusiastic as well.

