Reflecting On The Soft Skill of Enthusiasm

Zachary Asman
The Importance of Enthusiasm
3 min readMar 5, 2018

These past few weeks I have put myself on an enthusiasm journey. I researched many different ways one could become more enthusiastic as well as ways to help work on enthusiasm. After all of this research, I have come to the conclusion that there are many different ways one could practice becoming more enthusiastic. The best way to practice and teach this soft skill to others is to simply just act more enthusiastic throughout the day. For example, when around other people just pretend to be more enthusiastic and see if the energy contaminates the room. When I practiced this on my own, the more enthusiastic I acted, the better the outcome resulted in. An example of this was when I went to the movies with my friends this weekend. The movie we all wanted to see was sold out, however I enthusiastically suggested another movie we could see instead. Once I did that, my friends were all on board for the other movie and were even more excited this time around.

How to Keep Up An Enthusiastic Attitude Moving Forward?

Throughout my study of enthusiasm, I have learned a lot about this soft skill, however I know there is still much more to learn. Enthusiasm is a lifelong skill that many people strive to master within their lifetime. Although I only started studying enthusiasm a few weeks ago, I still feel that I have learned a good deal about this skill and how to use it to my advantage. Moving forward I plan on using this skill every day. I especially would like to use this skill whenever I find myself in a professional business setting, such as a job interview or a meeting with coworkers. My abilities with this soft skill are getting better and better each day because I am to practice it more and more. At this point, my abilities have helped me teach not only myself, but many others the advantages and ways one could become more enthusiastic. It has helped create better relationships with strangers, friends and even close family. Moving forward, this research was overall very beneficial and it’s still only the beginning.

