Data Science Vs Machine Learning

Hema Sri Kovela
3 min readJul 2, 2020


While my main focus was knowing about Machine Learning,i was always been encountered with that buzz word Data Science.At times i was really confused about the fact whether these both are same or not.While,maximum of you also may have the same question like me “Whether DS and ML are same or not?”

Machine Learning is a part of Data Science!!

Yes,ML is a part of DS ,especially machine learning,refers to the group of techniques used by a data Scientist!

Difference between AI ,ML & DS:

  • Data Science produces Insights (Understanding)
  • Machine learning produces predictions
  • Artificial intelligence produces actions

Artificial Intelligence:

Artificial Intelligence, It is the intelligence that a machine can portray,simply making the machines to think and act like Humans.They can perform logical reasoning, learning, and also self-correction. AI can make predictions and take decisions.


  1. Robots
  2. Face Recognition,used by Face Book.
Sophia, social humanoid robot

Machine Learning:

Machine Learning is giving machines the ability to learn by training algorithms with huge amounts of data. This is great for making predictions.


  1. Image recognition
  2. (this is an interesting one,this website uses ML technology to generate a human face which doesn't exist,it generates a new picture every time when you refresh the page.)
Image recognition
Fake picture generated by

How is ML different than AI?

Well, ML is an approach to AI (it is a way of achieving Artificial Intelligence). It is possible to achieve Artificial Intelligence without ML, but that can take millions of lines of code.

Data Science:

It is a field concerned with extracting insights from data by making use of scientific methods and algorithms so businesses can benefit.I all deals with predicting certain things by observing the existing data.

It focuses on solving real-world problems and always has a human involved (unlike AI, where it is the AI that takes the action).


  1. Fraud and Risk Detection.
  2. Healthcare.
  3. Recommendations in Netflix,Amazon etc.

How it is different from ML? Data Science uses Machine Learning to analyze data and make predictions; this can also be used in utilitarian prospects.Unlike AI,this always works on Humans involvement.

Thank you. Have a Happy Learning Further!! :)



Hema Sri Kovela

I term my self as an inquisitive and versatile soul!My passion is to update the world! As simple as a Techfreak! Blockchain & DataScience are best friends :)