A Word-A-Day July 2024

Christine Graves
Enticing the Muse
Published in
3 min readJul 1, 2024


Your monthly dose of inspiration

A poster showing a portrait of fireworks on one side and the words A Word-A-Day July 2024 on the other side
“Fireworks” image by Leonardo AI and Canva Pro

Hey, kids. Yes, I missed posting last month’s WAD but I was working on getting my life on the right track, and I did spend a few days doing absolutely nothing. It was wonderful.

I’m hoping to post a lot more in the coming couple of months. I have a few ideas in the works, but that’s nothing new for me. I’ve always got something cooking in the back of my brain. Not all of my ideas work, but at least I can say I still have a few now and then.

I hope you are all enjoying the summer months, or winter months for those of you in the Southern Hemisphere. Even at my age, that still freaks me out.

Those of us in the United States will be celebrating our nation’s independence on the 4th. Honestly, I’m not a big fan of all the noisy fireworks. I like watching all the festivities on the night of the 4th, but I could do without the loud noises. The older I get, the more I hate noise. LOL

Anyway, I’m hoping for a super-inspired month and I hope you all have one as well. In fact, let’s get it going right now, shall we? So, here we go. Here is your Word-A-Day list for July 2024. Let’s get this month off on the “write” foot.



Christine Graves
Enticing the Muse

Mother, grandmother, poet, storyteller, craft hoarder, ancient history fanatic, vintage junk collector, and classic smartass.