We Stand With Israel

Avi Eyal
Entrée Capital
Published in
2 min readOct 13, 2023

On 7th Oct, 2023, Israel was attacked by Hamas and its benefactors. There are already over 1,500 massacred and 3,000 injured (95%+ are innocent civilians including children and the elderly). Hundreds more have been abducted into Gaza and are being held as hostages and human shields. Not since the Holocaust have so many innocent Jews been murdered in a single event. Israel has suffered a tragedy that will never be forgotten, nor forgiven.

The team is doing its social and civic duty assisting in every way it can. The partners and staff of Entrée Capital have also deployed substantial sums aiding the above and will continue to do more.

A number of Entrée team members have been mobilized and we wish for them to be safe. Entrée Capital is continuing to work for our partners, stakeholders and portfolio companies. Business continuity remains at high levels across the portfolio.

As a nation, and speaking as part of the high tech ecosystem, we are proud, we are resilient, and we will persevere through this and any other challenges our detractors and enemies throw our way.

We are here to stay and to prosper. We hope to do so in peace and harmony with all our citizens and neighbors.

Hazak Hazak Ve-Nit’Hazek!



Avi Eyal
Entrée Capital

Investor. Serial Entrepreneur. @aeyal1 @entreecap #proudinvestor: @rapyd @pillpack @seatgeek @mondaydotcom @stash @gustohq @howtoprospa @riskified