Don’t Worry About Your Bad Days

Jag Sandhu
Published in
5 min readApr 29, 2019

We all have bad days. Sometimes, the entire world seems to fall and brutally destroy all of our positive energy. This “disaster” leaves behind nothing more than a “demotivated”, “doubtful” and “scared” personality, which completely strands its victim in the vast ocean of “depression”.

Photo by Fernando @cferdo on Unsplash

Through this article, I’d like to show you the way in which you can harness your positive energy and use it to fight this battle. But, before we get into that, I want to make one thing clear that this article is not going to make you “absolutely perfect”. As a matter of fact, nobody is perfect and I don’t expect you to have an altered personality right after reading this article. However, I do want to make another claim that this article will show you the gap that lies between who you are and what you want to be. My aim is to make you realize that that gap exists and instead of ignoring it, which most of us do, the better strategy is to reduce it. Doing so, will make you closer to your own desired and ideal personality and also, will help you to live a happy life.

Photo by Yuris Alhumaydy on Unsplash

The title of this contains the word “Bad Days”. I believe that the gap mentioned above is related to our bad days in such a way that it increases with as the number bad days increase and conversely, it decreases with the decreasing number of bad days. Therefore, my ultimate aim is to provide some critical information and influence you guys in such a positive way that you can choose to live without being affected by the “bad” and the “negative”.

So, if you’re one of those, who just had a bad day and are close enough from the point, where you start to hate your own life. Don’t worry because I’ve got something to say.

Let’s jump right in. 😊

  1. You’re not alone
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash

We all know that overwhelming feeling that is followed by the destruction of our “perfect day”. We feel down, depressed and doomed. It feels as if the entire world has turned its back on us and every action that we take seems like a massive mistake. Our motivation fades away and all it leaves behind is the unending state of depression. If you can relate to either some or all the above-mentioned instances, you know how hard these “bad days” can be.

However bad and ugly this may sound, there is actually an amazing thing about this feeling. The beauty is that all of this is not strange at all. It's very common and happens with most of us on a daily basis. The reason as to why this is important is, as you go through this, you need to remember that you are not alone. There are millions just like you, who are suffering the aftermath of a terrible day. Once you realize that, you can actually take a deep breath and absorb the fact that this is just a part of life and everyone suffers through it.

Photo by Rémi Walle on Unsplash

Stuff happens all the time. Everybody struggles. The struggle is necessary for your own growth and nothing happens without a struggle. Absolutely Nothing! I’ll also say that you should consider yourself to be lucky as you’re struggling. You’re suffering because you’re aiming for something big. You’re getting out of your comfort zone and taking action towards your dream. Not a lot of people can do that. So, take a moment to feel proud of yourself. Your struggles are going to set you aside from the rest of the crowd. As far as the hardships of the struggle are concerned, trust me, you’re more than capable of getting through them.

2) Get Ready to Be Ridiculed

It’s the truth. One fact that we all have to accept is that if we’re trying something for the very first time, we’re gonna suck at it. Be it Basketball, singing, soccer or any other thing, as a beginner, you will make a lot of silly mistakes and hence, you should expect people to either laugh or judge you through those mistakes. That might be painful and it’s definitely going to make you hate the task at first. But, just like anything, there is a learning curve. Also, this is the point where your commitment is challenged and tested. People with a casual commitment tend to give-up easily and let others influence and rule over their lives. But on the other side, its the people with a comparatively strong commitment and tough character, who stick to the process and stop others from deciding their destiny.

Photo by Bruce Christianson on Unsplash

Right now, you might be a novice at what you do but trust me, if you keep doing the task, you’ll get that flow necessary to succeed and then, all those people, instead of giving you a hard time, will be inspired by you and will follow you. At the end of the day, it’s all about getting it right and that does not happen until you get your hands dirty. So, don’t worry if you see some faces mocking you. Let them do it. When you’re time arrives, you’ll show them your true character.

3) Just Keep Believing

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

One of the major things that have got me going and has given me the energy to not give up, is the power of a belief. No matter what others say, no matter how hard the circumstances are if you have a strong enough belief, you can achieve whatever you set your mind to. There will be both, people and circumstances that we try to weaken your belief and will put you down. But, I want this article to become your special energy, which will empower you to bring out the change and succeed. Your own desires and dreams mean everything and just a few bad days can’t slow you down.

So, take a break, refresh yourself and believe that you’ve got this. You’re more than capable of turning your life around. Most of all, remember that you’re not alone.

Thanks for reading!



Jag Sandhu

I've got something to say! Creativity. Entrepreneurship. Host @ The International Connection Podcast.