Version 12 | Entrepreneurial Energy: Reason of Success Beyond Time and Money

Yajur Lath
Game Theory
Published in
3 min readJul 18, 2023
AI generated image of a person getting energised through a card

In the world of startups, where time and money are often seen as crucial, a secret ingredient holds even greater power.

Picture this: a fledgling entrepreneur with deep pockets but needing more energy and passion to fuel their vision. Despite their financial arsenal, the startup remains stagnant, like a lifeless ship unable to sail the seas of innovation.

Alternatively, imagine a determined entrepreneur blessed with abundant time, ticking away in a world of possibilities. Yet, without the boundless energy that propels their every action, time becomes an empty ship, only an observer of unfulfilled aspirations.

In these moments, we know the ingredient we want beyond the world of dollars and minutes. Energy, the intangible force coursing through the basics of entrepreneurship, becomes the lifeblood that transforms mere ideas into groundbreaking realities. It’s the force that brings ideas to life, the determination that turns setbacks into success, and the motivation that keeps entrepreneurs going.

Yet, it is hardly talked about. For any entrepreneur, irrespective of the family they were born in, the place they grew up, and the institute they have studied in, they need 3 resources: time, money, and energy.

Introducing Energy Cards

Time and money are among the most important resources a startup founder can have. But an equally important resource that people miss talking about is energy.

Hence, introducing Energy Cards as the 3rd resource type in the game Startup High. Now, when the founders draw resources, they get time, money, and energy.

How would this work?

  1. There are 2 decks of Resource Cards now. One is a Time Deck, and one is a Money Deck. Both are kept separately, and the founders have the option to draw resources from both of them.
  2. In both the decks, an equal number of Energy Cards have been put so that founders get all resources and surprises too :)
  3. The utility and units of the Resource Cards have changed to accommodate Energy Cards and two decks.

Update on Freelancing

Introducing Energy Cards also allows me to remove freelancing from the game. The 3rd type of Resource Card brings in the element of trading resources with other players, just like Catan.

With 2 resources, it was slightly linear, but with 3 resources, I expect in-game trading to take place between players!

But Two Resource Card Decks? WTF?

The same type of card. But two different decks? It has multiple disadvantages:

  • Increases the game spread
  • Makes the game slightly more complex
  • Increases manufacturing cost, to name a few.

While there might be multiple disadvantages, I have introduced this mechanic only with 1 advantage in mind- the ability to foster discussions about what is more important — time or money amongst the players.

This discussion holds high value to me because understanding the compounding value of time over money is essential to believe in entrepreneurship. I hope that when all 3 players, after every round, draw Resource Cards, they discuss what resource is more important for them in the game and in real life too!

As far as mechanics are concerned, this is an interesting mechanic that I am excited to try. With every development update and the multiple playtests that follow, the game is near finalisation and almost there.

If you want to playtest Startup High, please join this Whatsapp Group. I update this group with regular playtests for everyone to be a part of it!

To all the people reading this without reading the previous articles, I am in the middle of making a startup-themed board game. I am documenting my progress as I move forward. I keep discussing the various roadblocks, the attempted solutions and my next step through these articles.

The game aims to get entrepreneurship and startup into the mainstream; board games are an excellent way to do it. If you like the idea or want to contribute, please visit and contact us!

