“My Co-Founder is Next Level” Hazel Savage of Musiio on Building a Dream Team to Disrupt the Music Industry

Nasos Papadopoulos
Entrepreneur First
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2018

The quality of our companies at EF is a function of our remarkable founders.
This profile is part of a series of Founder Stories and features Hazel Savage of Musiio, a company that uses AI to help the music industry curate tracks more efficiently.

1) How did your upbringing influence your choice to become an entrepreneur?

I think my upbringing made me become an entrepreneur later in life than most people.

I didn’t come from a very wealthy background so entrepreneurship wasn’t really on my radar until later in life — in fact my school even recommended I become a bus driver!

After 12 years of experience in the music industry working for Shazam, Universal, Pandora and BandLab, I felt like starting a company was a calculated risk — one that I could deal with even if it went wrong.

At this point I had a lot of industry experience and it made sense for me financially to give it a go so I applied for EFSG3…and the rest is history.

2) What are the 3 most memorable moments of your EF journey?

1. Walking into Kick-Off Weekend at Kranji Farm. From the first moment I stepped out of the taxi — I was nervous and the first person I met and spoke to was Ulf a fellow cohort member and theoretical quantum expert. I knew instantly I had made the right decision to join.

2. My second coffee with my co-founder, Aron, at Sarnies cafe. I thought we were just hanging out, and he asked me to co-found. He was searching for the right cofounder as he was from EFSG2 where he’d had two failed co-founding partnerships.

3. During a night out at Clarke Quay, I remember walking along the front with the so-called ‘fr00t gang’ Vibhas, Ant, Copple, Rors, Meraj and a few others and feeling so happy, like I had met a new group of best friends who were all smart as hell.

Hazel and Aron preparing to chat to investors after EFSG3 Demo Day

3) How did you meet your co-founder on the program?

He pursued me!

My Co-Founder Aron had two failed founding relationships in EFSG2 so knew what unsuccessful co-founding partnerships looked like.

This made him prescriptive in what he wanted — someone honest, communicative, open and data driven.

After a couple of coffees it was clear we really clicked and he asked me to co-found.

So in the end it all worked out very well for me — even though I was taking a very laid back approach at the start of the program!

4) What’s your favourite place in Singapore and why?

My favourite restaurant is level 33 — I like the view and the fine dining.

Also my house - I have a rocking horse and a Marshall mini stack, as well as my collection of guitars (see the video!)

5) What drives you and how is your business an expression of that?

I’m a musician at heart — I’ve been working in the music industry my whole life and have always been excited by opportunities for innovation.

At Universal I started producing video content for the Internet before that was even a thing, so I’ve always enjoyed trying stuff and being at the cutting edge.

Now the cutting edge is tech and I have a music tech business, which feels like a pretty seamless fit for me!

Musiio’s Demo Day Pitch

More on the Team

CEO Hazel Savage is a music-tech expert and co-founder of Musiio. Originally from the UK and having spent 5 years working in Australia she now resides in Singapore.

With 12 years experience in the music industry, predominantly in tech companies with a focus on mobile applications, she boasts, Shazam, Universal, Pandora and BandLab as previous experience.


CTO Aron Pettersson is a full-stack developer and co-founder of Musiio. Originally from Sweden he is now based in Singapore.

With a degree in Physics, specialising in Machine Learning and Neural Networks, Aron has been coding for 17 years and has worked extensively in Python, Java, C#, HTML5, C++, JavaScript, CSS, HTML and more.



Nasos Papadopoulos
Entrepreneur First

Storyteller, Writer & Interviewer | 7 years interviewing the word’s top experts for MetaLearn (200+ eps) | Building content empires at Mediopolis.