Bathroom Light Pull Switch Repair

paul martin
Outdoor School Physics
1 min readJan 8, 2019

After exchanging every Lighting component (ballast, lamp, starter) in the Bathroom circuit I discovered that it was the Pull chord switch. See below from the internet and the sound of a failed pull switch — on video- which is lawnmower like compulsive

Technical Appendix extra

The cold start up current for LED lamps can be x100’s of the running current. For example a job I was doing had 30 watts of LED load but the cold start up for this small load was 40A. What I’m getting at is this initial start up current might be enough to damage the contacts within your switch especially if your switch is only rated for 6A as most pull cords are. If it was me I would try a 20A pull cord and see how that goes.

