The trouble with Physics: 3point Newsletter#1

paul martin
Outdoor School Physics
1 min readApr 16, 2016


Physics is about the appreciation of forces, and the opportunities created by them being too awkward to easily measure/understand.

Teaching Science in the Primary Classroom — by Hellen Ward

The book´s back cover promotional phrase: ¨Who was right about gravity — Aristotle or Galileo ?¨ caused me to scan the index for other references to this particular force. And it was nice to discover its use in the exemplification of different teaching approaches, from group discussions to use of experiments and role play. (Longer Amazon review)

Veritasium on YouTube

David MacKay

The well written Telegraph obituary sums up this Physicist´s contribution nicely: kilowatt hours per day (kWh/d) — A 40 watt lightbulb, kept switched on all the time, uses one kWh/d.

