David DiLorenzo — the Man Behind the Valentino Beauty Pure Lifestyle

Melisa Valencia
Entrepreneur Spotlight
4 min readMar 17, 2021

Meet the beauty industry mogul, David DiLorenzo, who solves problems unique to nail technicians, and is riding his ideas all the way to the top

David DiLorenzo (2021)

If you are in the nail industry, you have most likely heard of Valentino Beauty Pure. With over 600,000 Instagram followers and a website that offers everything nail technicians could need or want, Valentino Beauty Pure is quickly becoming a household name. But do you know the man behind the brand, David DiLorenzo? Growing up in the industry, working under his father, who owned hair salons, DiLorenzo saw the unique challenges facing nail technicians and set out on a mission to help them get recognition, quality products, and solutions to industry-related problems. Now, the company is a multimillion-dollar business and the go-to online nailcare retailer. Like many of the most successful business moguls worldwide, DiLorenzo birthed the business out of a genuine desire to help others.

David DiLorenzo has always been in the beauty industry and therefore knows firsthand the needs of nail technicians. First managing hair salons under his father, DiLorenzo developed a keen sense of the cosmetology trade’s inner workings. “In the 1990s and early 2000s, there were terrible problems in full-service salons with the odor and nail dust stirred up from the operating process,” he says. “People were suffering from headaches and irritability.” To remedy this, DiLorenzo, with help from his father, invented the first “Source Capture System,” which went on to be patented by a Fortune 500 company. Since then, DiLorenzo created a unique nail care brand, Valentino Beauty Pure, offering just about any product a nail technician could dream of. Through the management of his father’s salons and his other business endeavors, it sharpened DiLorenzo’s entrepreneurial skills.

Entrepreneurs who stand the test of time are the ones who have both a superior work ethic and an eye for which risks to take in business. DiLorenzo, a third-generation beauty industry owner, was destined to remain in the business on some level. His grandfather was a barber, his father the owner of multiple salons and distribution companies throughout New York City, the Jersey Shore, Boca Raton, and South Beach Miami. The salons were fully staffed, large operations, indeed. However, there was a time when DiLorenzo branched out and managed two of the most successful pizzerias along the Jersey Shore. Additionally, he owned an ATM company, with machines located in nightclubs, restaurants, and other hot spots throughout New York and New Jersey. These career moves set DiLorenzo up to become a CEO who knows how crucial companywide unity is to succeed.

DiLorenzo credits the upward mobility and success of Valentino Beauty Pure in large part to his hands-on management style. “I am the operating CEO, involved in all of the daily operations from shipping to business management,” he says. He says that he treats the company and his employees like family, placing the highest priority on what makes for the happiest, most fluid work environment. DiLorenzo remains accessible to customers, distributors, and nail technicians as well. One key to his success is that he incorporates past experience with the modern-day integration of new technologies.

GEN 4 Nail Dust Collector, Valentino Beauty Pure (2021)

Attitude is everything. We have all heard that phrase, but the key players in any industry embrace those words, making it a life motto. DiLorenzo has an attitude that refuses to accept defeat, welcomes pressure, and trusts the process in business. He explains that in business, one must adapt regardless of the situation and pivot in mere moments with today’s fast-paced technological world.

“Most people worry about failing, but failure should be utilized as a lesson for success.”

— David DiLorenzo

There is no room for pomp and circumstance in DiLorenzo’s business model. He seeks talented individuals to complement his team, filling the voids in areas he lacks expertise. “I put those on my team who know more than me to work as advisors, helping me better myself, but also further the company,” he says. Like any global business owner, there are challenges, such as finding the best suppliers who produce the highest quality raw materials while maintaining integrity. DiLorenzo manages production, quality control, staffing, marketing, and more, all to keep a personal touch and ensure the highest quality with the most consistency. In the future, Valentino Beauty Pure clients can expect an education platform and a new affiliate program, which helps nail technicians grow their businesses.

To learn more about David DiLorenzo and Valentino Beauty Pure, follow his personal and Valentino Beauty Pure Instagram accounts, as well as the website.



Melisa Valencia
Entrepreneur Spotlight

Published Author, Entrepreneur, Social Media Specialist