Even More Tips For Coupon Marketing Success

Aashish Sharma
4 min readMay 12, 2014

You may have gone through the many tips for coupon marketing we’ve discussed in the previous posts such as reasons why you should employ marketing , how to make sure your coupon marketing campaign is not losing potential profit and it’s being highly effective , but there are even more things that you need to consider to ensure that your marketing campaigns are as effective as possible. Too often, people focus on just a few tips and tricks and end up missing something along the way. It’s for that reason that you’ll want to look at marketing your business or website through the lens of a larger picture. When you focus on the bigger picture and establish long-term plans, you will end up with a good return on your investment. It’s too easy to just nitpick and stick to one or two plans, and even recycle one or two coupon ideas and hope for the best. Instead, look at the following tips to add to the previous attraction marketing ideas that have been discussed.

Change Your Promotions Often

The first thing that you want to do when working with coupon marketing is to plan things out weeks and even months in advance. You want to be able to plan ahead for holidays, and other money saving events. Consumers will be expecting discounts around a certain time, so you want to manage your coupon campaigns to fall in line with the future. It’s easy to end up with double discounts and profit loss if you’re not paying attention to the calendar. Look at the calendar and familiarize yourself with the sales tactics that are going to be expected of your business and industry. You want to fall in line with competitors, but you also want to surprise them from time to time, so plan things out ahead and make appropriate changes from time to time. The more planning you do, the higher the likelihood that you will receive a good ROI percentage.

Keep Things Simple

It’s easy to get carried away with the fine print. A lot of coupons have this, and it’s annoying. If you want a maximum appeal, take your coupon and make it as simple to understand as possible. Not only that, limit the fine print to the bare minimum of omissions and more. If you’re going to discount something very specific, then highlight that instead of putting an umbrella statement on your coupon. The more clarity someone has over what the call to action is, the higher the chances are that you’ll make a good impact.

Promote Your Coupons Through All Channels

There’s something grand about limiting your audience to loyal customers when using coupon marketing. However, there’s going to be a time when you need to expand your customer base, and that means promoting your coupons through every channel that you have at your disposal. Utilize social media, blogging, and even PPC campaigns to help you get your message across. An even better option is to use an online coupon maker such as Couponedo that comes with the built-in distribution. If you want to have insider deals, you can save those for your newsletters, and loyalty rewards programs and more. You may be surprised by the influence that you can bring by casting a wide net on your coupon promotions from time to time.

Go Mobile

The numbers are increasing in terms of mobile phone use and coupon marketing. Millions of people are using smartphones or even tablets on the go for shopping. You want your store to be compliant with that, and therefore your coupons should work while on the go. If you can target mobile users, you have an increasing base of potential customers that will be ready to shop with your coupons. Do not miss out on this growing field, it’s very important.

Reward People With Discounts

With the proliferation of internet marketing, many people are focusing on incentives to help with promoting their brands. You can jump in by giving people a coupon code for sharing your page with others or simply like your social media profile and more. Finding a way to reward potential customers today is easier than ever, and when empowering the consumer, the call to action that you have in place will be easier to oblige. As long as you don’t overdo it with this, you will find that there’s a lot of potential market shares to consider.

Above all else, make sure that you’re keeping an eye on your consumer base. Look to see whether or not your campaigns are effective, and whether or not the coupon codes are being used. Whether you have printed coupons or online only codes, make sure that you’re using proper metrics to measure their success rate. If you aren’t seeing traction, then look at finding more effective solutions. Coupon marketing works, but it can also fail if you’re missing something in your delivery, which is why metrics help keep things in order.

Nick Dean works at Couponedo, an online coupon maker that helps small businesses market more effectively. This is the fourth article in his coupon marketing series.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//www.entrepreneuryork.com, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.