Top 3 Blogging Trends that will Dominate 2018

Aashish Sharma
4 min readSep 8, 2017

Blogging has become a serious business nowadays. It is one of the most successful ways of generating money online. The best part about blogging is that the investment is meager but the rewards are colossal. However, with each advancing year, new trends appear in the blogging industry. Each blogger should be very much aware of the ongoing trends. This knowledge maximizes the reach and impact of their blogs. It will, in turn, yield enormous benefits.

Although every blog is different, there are some crucial trends that decide the success of your blog. Blogging is a sphere that sees the evolution from time to time and hence a blogger needs to adapt to these changes and evolve with time. You need to follow these trends in order to keep your followers as well as rankings intact.

Are you a blogger? If yes, then are you aware of the blogging trends that are dominating in 2018? If not, then go through our well-curated list of top three blogging trends of the year.

  1. Interactive content and listicles

People like to read that type of content which has images and info graphics. A picture is the best depiction of the ideas. People tend to remember 80% of what they see and they tend to remember only 20% of what they read. Therefore, a content supported by images and info graphics attracts more audience. Furthermore, this type of content illustrates the information in a better way.

If you want an amazing content, then you should bank upon skillful writers of a plausible online platform like Contentmart.

Traditional text-based content is no longer in vogue. Readers like to read a content that they can easily understand. You can include images in your blog along with charts, diagrams and interesting facts to keep them hooked. Such type of content is lucid, which even a person not very well-versed with the language can understand.

Long articles of over 1200 words are in trend. These long posts perform much better than a 500 words post. It engages the readers thereby increasing the productivity of your blog. Therefore, in 2018 if you want your blog to excel, then you should go for a long blog in listicle format that also contains charts, images, graphs, and facts.

Creating a long content may sound tedious to you but you don’t need to take the pain. You can hire verified writers from Contentmart and let them do the rest of the task. Towards the end, you’ll get an eloquent as well as good-quality content.

  1. Email lists

The best way to keep your audience hooked is by keeping them informed. You should tell them about your new posts. You can create a contact list by collecting e-mail of various potential readers from an assortment of platforms.

To create the list, you can join groups related to your blog and then try to find those people who’d like to read your blog. Once your contact list is ready, you can share your blog posts and other useful information about your blog with them.

It is great if you have followers of your blogs and you are an avid user of social networking sites. You can promote your blog there but email is the best way of advertizing your blog.

You can send emails to your contacts to keep them informed and you might get some new visitors to your blog. The content of email should be persuasive to grab more visitors. You can get such content developed by the experienced writers from Contentmart.

You can also keep the option of registering for email list open to all the readers. This lets you know about the people who are genuinely interested in your blog. You can then, send information to them whenever you post any new blog.

Newsletter tells your contacts about your new blogs, products, services and any other offers related to discounts. It keeps your blog active and relevant and prevents it from being out of the sight.

  1. Sell Products

Nowadays, blogging is not just about supplying information or putting forward your thoughts but it is a lot more than that. The blogs are now used for selling products and services. Bloggers advertise the products and services of other merchants through their blogs.

Modern day bloggers are business persons. Most of the blogs are about various products that can be procured and so the blogs are created accordingly. The bloggers post such type of content about the product/service that persuades the readers to try them.

Some of the bloggers advertise the products of other merchants while some of them advertise their own product. What remains common is the type of content that they develop, which not just tells but rather sells.

Persuading the readers to buy anything is not an easy task but it is easily accomplished by an engaging as well as compelling content. You can get such type of content developed for your blog by using the amazing writers of Contentmart. They are known to create magic with words. So, why not try them and increase the productivity of your blog.

It is always better to walk with time so that you are successful. Follow these trends and you’ll never see your blog lagging behind in 2018.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.