What Is Strategy- 6 Steps To Create An Effective B2B Marketing?

Aashish Sharma
5 min readMar 3, 2018


What is strategy for your business or what strategy for your marketing? Strategy is to create or re-create potential for your activities. It engages the company in the medium and long-term.

The first activity that comes to mind- What is strategy that helps you to achieve your goals. It is a question of making a strategic diagnosis of the situation of the company. We commonly speak of opportunities-threats and strengths-weaknesses, known as the MOFF or SWOT matrix (in English). It will be necessary to determine the so-called “strategic” objectives that one wishes to assign to the company. The management committees have at their disposal a wide range of tools. The most strategists are followers of the game theory … It is thus possible to establish the bases of corporate governance.

There are some major options, such as differentiation strategies, cost control strategies, or focus on niches. Beyond these theoretical models, many options are available to strategists: Blue Ocean strategy, rupture, etc. It will then be necessary to properly identify the business model to ensure permanent growth. What is strategy for measuring goals?

What is Strategy for winning B2B marketing? Start by asking yourself what your goal is. For most marketers, the major challenge in B2B is the lead generation. Once the goal, how to boost your lead generation? In a few years, the web has revolutionized the way of designing B2B marketing. Here is our 6-step plan for success.


what is strategy for B2B marketing, the first thing to do is to clearly define the target customers you will be addressing. To want to reach everyone, we end up not touching anyone.

The initial questioning of your strategy should help to establish the typical profile of your target clients. This is the method of buyer personas. Your personas should be as detailed as possible. Not only will you gain insight into the socio-demographic characteristics of your target clients, but also their motivations, their typical day, the course of their purchase journey or the way they seek information.


Once you have defined and refined your personas, you are able to contextualize your content offer. You must now create relevant content to meet the issues of your target customers. Question is what is strategy that gonna work for you?

Your content offer will not only have to cover all your personas but also all the stages of their purchase cycle.

Base on the refined study of your personas. Analyze the content strategies of your competitors. Do a search for keywords with a specialized tool. At the end of this process, you will have a list of expressions and keywords around which you will articulate your content offer.

To formalize your approach and plan your content creation, set up your editorial planning.


When you implement your editorial planning, you define not only a calendar but also the conversion objectives specific to each content.

Thus, some articles will be used to generate traffic on your website and will carry a call-to-action that will redirect the user to the landing page of premium content. This premium content, accessible only after filling in a data form, will directly serve your conversion goals.

The link between your editorial planning and your conversion objectives is based on an acute understanding of the buying cycles and on setting up conversion tunnels for each of your personas.


Its is important to know what is strategy for your content. You have produced your content. Now you need to find the points of contact between your content offering and your target customers.

Your study of personas has given you valuable data on their consumption habits. If you have analyzed your targets accurately, you also know their preferences for finding information.

It’s up to you to position yourself at these different points of contact. In B2B, professional networks like LinkedIn must be mobilized. Likewise, you’ll be better at engaging bloggers and influencers in your industry to expand the reach of your content.

When you buy (sometimes very expensive!) Software in the form of a product, you look at it twice before changing it. The subscription operation of SaaS software allows you to change provider with lesser consequences. In addition, there is no need to reform your technical teams to maintain a new tool!


Lets finds out what is strategy for lead generation.

The problem with a B2B marketing strategy is that even if you optimize each step, the leads you generate do not necessarily translate into immediate buying opportunities. Indeed, buying cycles are sometimes very long and the decision process tedious.

What to do with these leads whose interest does not materialize a purchase?

If you cannot pass them on immediately to the sales teams, you must continue to feed them content until they reach maturity. This is called lead nurturing.

Send them personalized content on a regular basis based on their history and, depending on how they react, determine when they will be hot enough to be the subject of a business proposal.


A B2B marketing strategy is not fixed in stone. Even the best strategies often take months or years to run at full speed. It is by continually questioning your processes that you will derive the quintessence.

An effective strategy is a strategy that can be measured. You must, therefore, set objectives beforehand but you must also constantly measure the results of your actions. To do this, you must define and analyze your KPIs at each stage of your strategy.

And most importantly, this analysis of your performance must translate into managerial implications. Having data is only useful if you take advantage of it, in practice, to readjust your actions.

What strategy for creating effective B2B marketing? It means knowing and understanding the target customers you are addressing and producing the content that will best meet their needs. This content will enable you to generate qualified traffic and, with realistic conversion goals, generate leads. The mature leads will be passed on to the sales teams while the others will continue to be nurtured until maturity. In any case, you will boost your commercial efficiency because your sales teams will only focus on real opportunities. Finally, at each stage, ensure the effectiveness of your actions through a rigorous process of performance analysis.

Originally published at Entrepreneur News and Startup Guide.



Aashish Sharma

Aashish Sharma is a Founder and Blogger at https//www.entrepreneuryork.com, specializing in Social Media and Digital Marketing.