The Economy of Integrity

Trevor W. Goodchild
6 min readJun 19, 2020
Credit: Bonnie Kittle on Unsplash

We live in uncertain times but one thing we can all count on is our own ability to frame the social interactions we have. This is both in our personal lives and in business connections when we interact with other business owners or potential partners for joint ventures and more.

It’s one of those nuances of human behavior often ignored — are you being the best version of yourself?

This is where professional development meets personal development. Why is it so hard to take a step back outside the echo chamber of previously held beliefs?

Some of it is habit. Habit in how we think of ourselves, the world, other people and our potential. For many, their careers don’t take off until they figure their shit out, as a person. Yet — you won’t see this taught in MBA programs at major universities.

It’s Not What You Do It’s How

There are tons of awful people that donate to charities yet abuse their spouses, do unhealthy amounts of drugs and never take a long hard look at who they are actually becoming aside from profit margins met.

Have you ever tried to save a friend from themselves? Passionately advocating on how to dodge the bullet you see headed towards them from their current actions and life path?

What usually happens?

A shit ton of defensiveness and resentment.

Leonard Cohen once sang,

“And I lift my glass to the awful truth. Which you can’t reveal to the ears of youth…”

Cohen sings of the eternal resistance of being told what we know is true — that perhaps we aren’t trying hard enough. Perhaps we owe it to ourselves to be a bit more honest on if actions taken are doing justice to the version of ourselves we become when energy follows thoughts.

The act of becoming is talked about in many esoteric texts and yet very divorced from the business world, as far as an inherent quality we associate with success.

The art of becoming is the acknowledgement we aren’t perfect but also aren’t helpless about who we become during the process of living our lives.

I’ve been blessed to meet, rather recently, a number of influential multi millionaires at the top of their game for their industry. And in this circle something is different than others I’ve met in previous years who were also successful in business.

These people, many of whom know each other, have spent time understanding who they are and reflect honor and integrity into how they do business and affect the world.

Back to the friend you’re trying to save analogy (happened several times for folks I know). It isn’t what you’re saying. The content is gold — your intentions are pure, you don’t have anything to gain here. It is all for the sake of your friend who is fucking up that you want to save.

It isn’t what you say, it’s how you say it. If anyone feels lectured to, instant walls go up. Higher than the BS ones the prez wants to build between USA and Mexico. Just add water or err um..strongly worded advice.

People feel the energy coming from you behind your words. This has parallels in the start up world as well.

LTV Isn’t Accidental

Of the highly successful 7 figure business leaders I’ve had the luck to meet, connect with, and in some cases become friends with — the feeling of ‘this person genuinely cares for others’ and reflects that in how they do business is a great predictor of not just success but longevity.

You may have heard of LTV, the life time value of a customer who makes multiple purchases with your business. A customer’s LTV exponentially increases if they trust your business. This is the economy of integrity.

When customers feel a bond because of the tribe you’ve created based on integrity, the rituals specific to your business, and the values you stand for (and what you won’t accept: read I’m Not For Everyone) this not only increases long term profits but you become an excuse for others to rise up and act better.

Do we need to wait for Christmas to be generous, forgiving and proactively giving?

Of course not. It’s an attitude. An attitude of gratitude. Ok I did see that on the wall at a meeting I was at back in the day. But despite it’s rather pithy phrasing, it speaks to deeper concepts.

It’s the idea that every Sci Fi author understands — sometimes we are world-creating. We create a micro world of who buys our product or service and determine what kind of environment and culture we create.

Make use of the free will and choice we do have to lead a company based on values of integrity. It gives back so much more than it takes. Your influence continues to grow positively and affect the lives of others in a way that inspires them to do the right thing.

Don’t Take My Word for It

Don’t take my word for it — plenty of studies from multiple sources back up, empirically, the values delivered by being a decent person, and how that decency affects organizational structures beneficially.

From the National Academy of Sciences:

“Leadership by individuals of high personal integrity helps to foster an environment in which scientists can openly discuss responsible research practices in the face of conflicting pressures. All those involved in the research enterprise should acknowledge that integrity is a key dimension of the essence of being a scientist and not a set of externally imposed regulatory constraints.

To the Journal on Public Integrity and Ethical Leadership:

“‘Moral values and norms’ are often absent when scholars are involved in describing, explaining, and understanding the reality of governance and administration (the dominant focus is on goals and interests; biases and irrationality; institutions; and context and power). An “ethics and integrity turn” in the dominant fields of study is needed.”

The Economist referenced a study ran by Tim Hird of Robert Half Management Resources who aptly said:

“Companies with strong, ethical management teams enhance their ability to attract investors, customers and talented professionals,” explains Hird, adding that ethical behavior starts at the top and allows companies to create a culture that values integrity.”

Going back to the friend analogy — the reason I bring this up is that this fits your engagement with your customer base as well. If you really want to help your friend out and avoid a slow motion accident you see coming, listen first. Focus less on the righteousness of the point you’re making. More on what his or her needs actually are.

Same goes for the impact your business has on the world through the interactions your clients have with each other, with your business and others they come into contact with after purchasing.

When the person you are is reflected in the values of your company, this ripple effect increases CTV by just making people feel more comfortable because they know, see and feel your integrity.

You may just inspire them to also live their lives with higher integrity — helping your business thrive through word of mouth, increase customer retention and long term profits but also help the world become a better place.

“The supreme quality for leadership is unquestionably integrity. Without it, no real success is possible, no matter whether it is on a section gang, a football field, in an army, or in an office.”

-President Dwight D. Eisenhower

I’d like to hear your comments on your experiences as a customer and business with integrity.

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Trevor W. Goodchild

Entrepreneur blogger at Worked @ Facebook | Startup Founder | Public Speaker| FB Policy Expert — I consult with agencies on ad approval