All You Need to Know About Ecommerce Business Brokers in One Read

Alex Holmes
Published in
7 min readNov 7, 2021

Know What An Ecommerce Business Broker Is and What Do They Do.

“eCommerce business brokers” are people who help sell an “established eCommerce business.” The role of the business is as follows:

Value eCommerce Businesses.

As a broker, he or she has access to thousands of potential buyers, and, as a result, they can usually find someone willing to buy your eCommerce business. However, it’s up to the sellers to ensure that eCommerce business brokers are “ marketing “ your business correctly.

Help The Owner Of The Business (the “seller”).

He sells the product or service by giving away a lot of free information, samples, and other stuff the customer doesn’t need, but that will help the seller sell his product or service. Many times the seller is a person with a brick-and-mortar business. The business broker might not be needed in this case. A business broker will help the seller with a website.

Make Necessary Changes To Improve Sales For The Business.

If the seller aims to make $100,000 per year from his eCommerce business, then the eCommerce business broker will help the seller make that much profit every year from his eCommerce business. How does the seller pay the eCommerce business broker? Usually, in one of two ways:

  • Pay for each sale the eCommerce business broker brings in
  • Pay for every sale the eCommerce business broker makes on the seller’s behalf

Let’s take a look at both of these methods. The first way the seller pays the eCommerce business broker is by charging an “up-front” fee. This is almost always the case. The reason is, most sellers don’t realize how much work is involved in setting up and maintaining an eCommerce business.

Market The Business To Qualified Buyers.

They get a percentage of the sale. They find a buyer eager to purchase your business and then arrange a deal where they are both the producer and distributor. They can structure a sale, so they get both sides of the transaction. They get a cut of both the amount of money you make from the sale of the product and the amount you get when you sell it.

Assist With Due Diligence.

The contract negotiations and all aspects of the relationship with the client. eCommerce business brokers are in the business of relationships. They are in the business of providing ongoing support to their clients, both personally and professionally. An eCommerce business broker does not simply find a client for you, he becomes an active part of your team. The first thing an eCommerce business broker does is perform a “due diligence” investigation on the client.

He conducts this due diligence for you, thus saving you a great deal of time and energy. He will also help you decide if the client is a good fit for your business or not. If the client is not a good fit, the broker will tell you. He will give you information that can help you decide if you should work with a particular client.

Execute Deal Closing.

They go through the process of closing the transaction. Business brokers can provide a lot of benefits. Many headaches and sleepless nights can be caused by executing company purchases and sales, which is a complex undertaking that can cause many headaches and sleepless nights.

Manage The Admin.

The most significant advantage to using a good e-commerce business broker is his or her experience. When you are first getting started, you are going to need all the help you can get. The broker’s experience will allow him or her to assess your situation objectively and give you sound advice. This may save you a lot of heartaches.

How Does The Process Work?

Depending on the size of the business, the selling process can be more complex and take more time. Most of the sales will be structured this way.

Learn What Your Business Is Worth With A Valuation.

You can get several appraisals. Don’t rely on a single thing. It’s a good idea to consider what a “sales-oriented” appraisal would value your business. If you are an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you should insist that your bankers, CPA, or attorney perform this task.

Digital Exits Prepares The Selling Document.

A “deed” is a description of the business being sold. Prospective buyers have seven days to accept or reject the deal after they receive it. If the buyers accept, the seller will get a 10% non-refundable deposit. The seller can close the sale if the rest of the money is deposited into the seller’s bank account within seven days. What happens if buyers do not want to purchase? They return the signed document with their reasons why the deal is dead.

Market Your Business To Qualified Buyers.

There are many ways to find a buyer. You can advertise in the yellow pages of your local phone book under “Business Buyers,” or you can use the phrases “business brokers near me” or “buyers of small businesses.” There is a back end to the sales process. After the buyers have examined the books, what they want to know is, “How fast can you get this deal closed?”. The buyer can cancel the transaction at any time, and the seller must return the buyer’s deposit.

Negotiate An Offer.

You should identify and communicate the benefits the buyer will receive if he buys your business. These could include:

  • A low interest rate on financing
  • an established customer base with repeat business for many years
  • a proven management team
  • a national or international reputation
  • a well-equipped, modern facility and so on.

You should make the buyers sign a non-disclosure agreement. A legal document prevents buyers from sharing information about your business before they buy it. The arrangements should be written and signed by both parties. The paperwork process for closing a deal is time-consuming.

Transfer The Assets & Money

Most business owners try to short-cut the process and walk away from the business. The approach is not ethical, it is irresponsible, and it is very foolish. By doing this, you put your buyer at a disadvantage when it comes to financing. It’s difficult to finance a business. If you make it easy for the buyer, he will be in a better position.

Why Hire A Broker?

The benefits of using a broker are listed below.

  1. Qualified buyer database
  2. Knowledge and expertise in the deal-making process

Not every investor is capable of buying or selling real estate without the help of a broker. Most investors don’t have the skills or the knowledge needed to purchase real estate successfully. Even though they have the money, some people are eager, willing, and able to invest in real estate if they have the correct information and tools. These people are called qualified buyers.

5 Questions to Consider When Selecting an eCommerce Business Broker.

1. What are the broker’s background and credentials?

A track record of successful business sales is something the broker should have. If the broker’s experience is concentrated in another industry or vertical, he or she may not have the contacts or information it takes to adequately represent your business.

2. Does the broker exhibit genuine interest in learning about your business?

The best brokers are aware of why their clients are selling. If you don’t have this information, a broker can’t negotiate a deal with you. Broker candidates should be interested in learning as much as possible during the meeting. If you know more about your business, the broker will be better positioned to market it. The broker represents the interests of the buyer.

3. How will the broker promote your sale?

An online business-for-sale marketplace is a great way to market your sale. The best brokers should describe a comprehensive promotional strategy that combines online and offline tactics. Your broker should have good relationships with accountants, lawyers, bankers, and other small business professionals, as well as being a trusted adviser in your community.

4. What process will the broker use to screen prospects?

Screening prospects to separate tire-kickers from serious buyers is part of the broker’s job. Good brokers will usually meet with potential buyers for several hours before allowing them to go further down the sale path.

5. How many listings is the broker currently managing?

Broker candidates will reveal how many other listings they are managing. Asking about the number of companies the broker-sold is an excellent way to determine if he’s a good broker. It’s up to you as the owner to ensure that your representation specializes in the sale of small businesses instead of properties in general. It is essential to evaluate the broker candidate. To improve the odds of a successful sale, look for brokers who listen to what you have to say and aren’t afraid, to be honest with you.

Originally published at on November 7, 2021.



Alex Holmes

Alexander is passionate about business and marketing. He is from Austria and is now working on his graduate degree at Harvard Business School.