How much is it worth to have a video on your website? Ultimately companies want to know how much they’ll get back if they take the time to make a homepage video. Even if you use a free tool, it takes time to create a script and perfect the explainer video. So what do you get back? What’s the ROI?

One great aspect about video marketing is that you can track it more than other forms of marketing. Video analytics allow you to see how long a person watches your video, when they click off, if they complete the call-to-action, etc. Simply put: video is measurable.

Video Engages More

Having a video on your homepage keeps people on your page longer. Video drastically boasts traffic, which is step one in getting a potential customer to purchase your product or offering. Video gets people to your site and keeps them there for longer.

Video Gives Customers Trust

Seeing is believing. Visitors who view product videos are 85% more likely to buy than visitors who do not. Even more, videos of a product or service make customers connect with the brand and have more confidence in it.

Video on your homepage gets users to stay on it much longer and trust your company more. That is the beginning to gaining customers. When your brand is trusted, users are much more likely to buy. Return on Investment for a video ends up being very high when you use a free video production service like Wideo.

Using highly technical video heatmaps allows you to take video analytics to the next level. You’re able to see what parts of your video were rewatched and when users drop off. This only helps to improve your video marketing plan, which ultimately improves ROI. This added bonus actually inspired us to create an analytics platform that will launch this quarter.

This blog is by Agu De Marco, Co-Founder of Wideo, a DIY animated video production platform.

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Agu De Marco

CEO & Co-founder at Wideo , Co-founder & Professor of Emprending at University of Buenos Aires