Entrepreneurial journalism is creating, highlighting and sharing

By Jadriena Solomon

Photo by Nikita Kachanovsky on Unsplash

Entrepreneurial journalism to me focuses on creating, highlighting and sharing innovative subject matter that will ultimately push forward humanity. Subjects like start-up businesses, technology, major businesses, finance, and articles providing proactive insight into these subjects for readers, all fall under the umbrella of entrepreneurial journalism.

Entrepreneurial journalism is important because it is progressive. It highlights the ideas of tomorrow, that will ultimately come to fruition, it is important in preparing us for the changes of the future and while also inspiring those in the “now” to create innovations that have not yet been seen for the “later”. Simply, it is a way for us to keep up with the changes in technology, business, finance, and entrepreneurship now, providing insight to what has not yet been created, what is needed, and even what has not yet proven itself useful.

The development of entrepreneurial journalism most directly affects the new generation of journalists, entrepreneurs, inventors, business owners, etc. It provides the knowledge of their current climate, in whatever industry they may be in; and gives them looks into where their industry, as well as the industry around them, may take them.

New journalism ventures have a “pressurizing” effect on existing news organizations, holistically because it forces more traditional news outlets to keep up with and become savvy enough to become apart of changing times. It forces organizations to address and investigate conflicts and changes within the different industries. In whole, it forces news organizations to be adaptable to the changing times.

