How might we use augmented reality to give residents news about their local community?

By Jadriena Solomon

This problem involves residents of communities not having enough access to (or enough awareness) about occurrences happening in their neighborhood, and us finding innovative and interactive forms of media and technology that can be easily accessed by residents throughout their community, whether that is on public streets or within private local establishments to provide residents with more insight and keep them in the know.

The lean canvas is important because it allows you to break down your project into the different areas that it will address, who it will target, how much it will actually cost, and what it truly aims to do. Allowing you as the creator, to get a deeper picture of how it will truly benefit the consumer that you are creating it for, and ultimately what set it apart from technology that is currently available.

The happy canvas allows you to approach your project from a more emotional objective rather than strategically as the lean canvas does. Here you can set your intentions and values as a company and realize what message you truly want consumers to take away from your product.

3 How Might We Questions:

Amp up the good: How might we use virtual reality to keep community residents informed?

Remove the bad: How might we get the city to fund our efforts, knowing that they will ultimately yield good results for the city and keep residents happy?

Go after adjectives: How might we make the process of consuming information not only insightful for residents but fun?

I believe these questions will allow us to continue brainstorming ways that virtual reality may help community residents stay informed, allowing us to add more features than we originally thought of. It will also allow us to create a strategy of presenting our invention to the city in a positive manner that will show them how this will ultimately be a huge, positive step for the community. It will also allow us to think of ways that the experience provided by our invention will be fun for residents to use, consistently keeping and building our clientele.

