How Can We Help Those Without Reliable Access to the Internet, Receive Their News & Information?

By Ema Jimenez

Photo: Nick Youngson Alpha Stock Images

The problem our group is targeting is how might we help citizens who do not have access to the internet in the U.S. get the news and information they need? This problem targets several demographics from senior citizens whom not only do not have smartphones or computers but might not even know how to use them properly to the homeless to teenage students in low-income homes that only have internet access in school.

The lean canvas is much more strategic and really gets you thinking on the business points your startup needs to have and what kind of model structure you plan to go with. I found it pretty difficult really trying to hone in on such specifics but it's a good tactic to really help you come up with specific ideas.

I liked working with the happy start up much better, it felt a little less business-like and a bit more personal. It targets more the ethic and values of the company and focuses more on what you will bring to your customers and how will you take care of them as opposed to how will you even begin this venture. Another thing the happy canvas focuses on that the lean canvas does not is trying to offer solutions to problems that may arise in a start-up, according to Stefan Peter Roos, a specialist in Business Development Consulting, the “Lean Canvas does not give the expected approach when the solution given to the initial problem becomes unrealistic or difficult to attain.”

Photo: Pixabay (Creative Commons)
  1. How and what can we create to be able to market our newsletter to senior citizens that would be more appealing to them than getting their news the old fashion way via their TV’s or radios?
  2. When would we offer courses for people to learn to access the internet as well as apply for viable jobs? Will existing neighborhood libraries let us use their labs and if so what profit do they get?
  3. How can we assure parents that their teens will solely be using our internet access locations for schoolwork and nothing else? How will they be monitored?

