How is technology going to evolve in 2019? Will these things work or are they too good to be true?

By Jarell Callier

Photo by Julian O’hayon @anckor

The pain point I am trying to solve is how can U.S. senior citizens who do not have access to the web learn about the news? Well, my group has thought of a few solutions and we came up with libraries, retirement homes and hanging flyers on the streets that lead them to technology events where they can learn how to use new technology. The feedback I got from some of my interviewees on our solutions were that “elderly people are stuck in their ways.” That was said by 71-year-old, Richard Little.

This means that elderly citizens are used to, for example, using a house phone and that one of my interviewees Mariom Puzzo, said “she is forced to go to retirement homes” because she does not own a car to travel around. One more big thing I got from my interviews that elderly people may not trust the Internet or just simply are nervous to learn new technology and that if they can afford it.

In the reading “2018 Tech Trends Report" the first new upcoming technology that caught my eye was Flying Cars on page 106. This could totally work if the Alphabet co-founder, Larry Page can figure out how to present his flying car factory on advertisements and design test prototypes that the elderly citizens can safely use to go where they need to fast.

The only problem with this however is if the flying cars are costly and that the elderly have to pay for the subscription.

Also in the same reading, the next technology I been notified a lot of is Productivity Bots on page 196 that robots are going to take over our world in the near future. This I feel is can maybe not work for our solutions if the elderly people do not want to learn how to use the robots to help them obtain the news.

Lastly, in the Tech Trends reading I want to point out Drone Surveillance on page 80. I feel drones can be a great invention that could benefit the elderly. That the drones can protect an elderly person from any bad thugs when they are trying to walk around the neighborhood.

