Our business model canvas — preparation from enterpreneurial journalism day

CRE-ACTION: A new start up project, made for the Media Industry

The basic idea of the start up project “Cre-action” consists of giving unemployed professionals in the media the opportunity to persue new job positions, promote their online portfolio, develop their professional and personal skills and so interconnect with the labor market. The actual target group and potential users of this platform would be professionals of Media(cameramen, sound engineers, journalists) and in general creators of both traditional and new Media industry.
The innovation behind this idea is based on an online portfolio, where genuine pieces of work of the users will be published and shared online through a personal profile. The platform will include a keyword categorization for each speciality and a rating system by the users. Moreover , it will be enriched by new digital applications, such as VR(virtual reality)software. For the realization of the proposed project, professionals such as web developers will be needed and the channels of the promotion of our idea include social media, ad words and the word of mouth.
The main revenue streams could be derived from an annual subscription fee, from the profit rate through agreements and advertising. Finally, the aim of the start up “Cre-action” is to create an intermediary link between professionals and the market. Users will act as evaluators of their colleagues and so through the feedback and interraction via this networking, the chances of them finding a suitable job position will enhance.
Christina Charalampidou
Myrsini Zarda
Marianna Kontolatou
Sokrates Sapounas


