E-grafeiokratia: The Smartest Solution for the Greek Bureaucracy Chaos

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A part of the serious financial problems that Greece faces for many years is a result of dysfunctional bureaucracy. Citizens are confronted with a huge amount of information about their obligations and their rights and have difficulty understanding all the procedures they have to go through in order to be responsible and law abiding. This often results in punishments for their inconsistency, as well as losing opportunities for tax relief and compensation. Having faced several similar challenges in the past, as a Greek citizen, I came up with the idea of creating an online application, which provides all the necessary information to Greek citizens about bureaucratic issues. The name of it is “E-grafeiokratia” and it comes from the Greek word for “bureaucracy”. Τhe reason why I chose this name is that Greeks use this word very often when they discuss their difficulties in responding to the demands of the state and the economic crisis in general. So, I thought it would be easy for them to remember it.

The solution that this application offers is quick and easy access to everything about Greek bureaucracy via smartphone, at the touch of a button. The prospective customers, that the application is targeting, are Greek citizens who are not close to public sector organizations to receive direct information about their transactions with the state and also have difficulty browsing the Internet in depth to find what they are looking for. It also targets people who are not willing to do a lot of online research and are looking for a more practical and easy solution, such as young people who have just entered the workplace and want immediate information on all the relevant issues.

Competitive businesses that appeal to the same audience and claim to have the solution for the same problem are www.dikaiologitika.gr and www.e-dimosio.gr. However, the difference of “e-grafeiokratia” from the other similar existing websites is that this is the first and only online application about this topic in Greece. The main advantage of it is its practical use. In particular, it offers access to centralized information about all the necessary issues and at the time that citizens need it. Compared to the other two sites, “E-grafeiokratia” has a more organized content that covers everything about Greek bureaucracy. In addition, the information included is shorter and more accurate, without long texts and complex analyzes. Besides that, it offers more interactivity to the users, as it has a special section, which allows them to express their own questions and get quick answers from the managers of the application.

As for the strategy I’m going to follow in order to promote the application, I plan to create a website and some social media accounts specifically for the application, mainly on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube. Also, I would like to create advertisements tailored to the format of each online platform, so they will be on every user’s home page. Furthermore, during the first year of the application’s operation, it will be distributed to the users free of charge, so that they would like to know it better and start using it in their everyday life. After achieving this goal and when the application has reached a point where it has become a very useful tool for them, it will start being distributed for a monthly subscription. In this way, the users will be much more willing to pay for the application services, as they will find them necessary for their routine.

As for the revenue from this new venture, except for the monthly subscriptions of the users, there may be also a profit from potential advertisements for other companies into the application. Finally, as a long-term goal, I aim to make “E-grafeiokratia” the most popular and widely used online tool for informing citizens about bureaucratic issues and I hope that happens after one year of its launch. I am extremely excited to see what the future holds for it!

To give my readers a clearer view of my vision for the application, I created the following Business Model Canvas, that explains the essence of this tool more quickly and comprehensively.

Business Model Canvas for E-grafeiokratia



Dimitra Tileli
Digital Media Startups  and Entrepreneurial Journalism Solutions

BA in Communication & Mass Media, National and Kapodistrian Univeristy of Athens, MA in Information Society, Media & Techonology, Panteion University