Generation Woman

Women empowerment through journalistic content.

How it all started

It all started in February 2021 by Loukia Lykidi, a journalist that featured articles on women issues for well established newspapers and women magazines. During the pandemic she felt the need to create a digital space where she could write about the things that interested her and inspired her. Although Generation Woman started as a hobby, soon afterwards its founder realized that there was potential for it becoming a financially sustainable project, taking into consideration the evolving interest of brands and companies in women empowerment and diversity and inclusion. Although successful this beginning wasn’t able to give a head start to the company transforming it to an innovative and productive business . By grasping the opportunity to attend the Entrepreneurial Journalism Course the formation of a team around GenWoman blew a wind of change and a blast of new ideas. The transformation from a traditional media platform to a driven agency offering niche content creation and consulting wasn’t easy but as a team we managed to make something which has potential to thrive, by making other women thrive through technology and information.

Generation Woman

What is it ?

Generation Woman is a media consulting agency ( dedicated to women empowerment through journalistic content. Generation Woman aims to be the liaison between women, companies and digital skills. The majority of women 18–40 years old are digital illiterates. Even Millennials, Generation Z and Generation Alpha , the generations that are considered as digital natives, are digital illiterates according to various surveys.

New Study Explores Digitally Native, But Technologically Illiterate Students | UToledo News

Technology has become a strong pillar in society, economy and life. Still, according to several surveys, women show low levels of technological literacy. Companies struggle to offer their best for their current & future employees. At the same time one of the newest trends in the workplace are companies competing to offer more than just a remuneration for their employees, including seminars for improving hard and soft skills as well as personal development. Corporate Responsibility Programmes are on the rise offering brands and companies a social responsible profile. This is where our value proposition, mission and products come to picture.

Generation Woman is providing free access to information for seminars. In this way women would be more competitive in their professional career.

The Vision

Generation woman aims to be a Media Consulting Agency in the field of Empowering Women through technology. Our research leads us to a market gap. Women are misinformed concerning the ways that will help them improve their digital skills due to lack of time. Generation woman is informing the way to digital literacy by inspiring the world through content. This is one of the first Media Consulting Agencies leading the way to important digital skills.

What makes us unique

We stand in a white space between media creating content for women (,,,, that feature empowerment among lifestyle features and foundations and NGOs who provide counseling, mentoring and corporate training programs but lack journalistic expertise and authority. We are a hybrid media start-up who combines the appealing, interesting, eye-catching, eye opening, fun fact sharing content that stands close to a magazine with educational, consultative, scientific authority of a Foundation, a think tank or a consulting agency.

What we do and we do well

We expertise in high quality journalistic content on women empowerment in technology. As women we know their needs and care to make them succeed. To achieve that we are taking advantage of both our content and network. We provide consulting services to companies making it easier to promote diversity and inclusion in every workspace. We create compelling content for companies and help them create their social profile. We are joining women who need digital skills with companies willing to provide them.

Turning Competitors to Allies

Being in this inbetween space brings us in the spot to compete with organizations that offer mentoring, workshops and content on women empowerment. Being different is what is going to help us, because we can combine the network with our expertise in an easy way and we are able to turn content into an empowerment tool. We have the advantage to try and convert our competitors to allies. On one hand, media creating content for women could spread the word for what we do and on the other hand, NGOs who provide counseling, mentoring and corporate training programs can be our coordinators /partners in organizing seminars, workshops.

Our customers

Every company that wishes to have an impact on women empowerment is a potential client. With the buzz created during the last few years around diversity and inclusion this is a long list. Every woman between the age of 18 to 40 (Students, Young employees and Mature employees) with the will to improve her digital skills but doesn’t have the time and experience to find relevant actions, is both an asset and a source of revenue (we are turning our audience to a valuable asset). During the workshops we have developed some personae examples to help us better understand the needs to be covered.


Out tools

As a first step during our pitching workshop we launched our first newsletter on seminars and workshops and we asked 10 real people (whose profile was chosen according to our personas) for feedback. It was really encouraging that they found our content interesting and 9 from 10 shared their intention to subscribe. There has been some negative feedback about the design, layout and colors of the newsletter, a choice that was guided by platform. This was one more hint that confirmed the need for redesigning the platform, which we intend to do in the near future.

We also plan to utilize daily posts on social media, website articles and in the future some informative assets with information about free courses, seminars and books that help women to thrive in the tech world. All these will serve as a connection between us and our customers and will also add authority to our agency.


New Experiences New Beginnings

Attending the Entrepreneurial Journalism Course conducted by professor Betty Tsakarestou seemed as a great opportunity and the ideal “incubator” for Rethinking Generation Woman and Re launching it. It was a challenging road, with the business model and profile of the initial GenWoman holding us back instead of giving us the power to improve. We started planning a major set of changes and additions that didn’t make sense business wise. Then with the guidance of our professor, Mrs Tsakarestou, we came to the realization that the only thing needed was focus on our key asset and specialization in a field that we knew well. After all, you can’t cover everything and serve everybody.

We defined our customer segments by creating a typical persona for every segment.We completed our business model canvas to map the needs of our customers, the possible white spaces, potential problems and their solutions. We covered everything from our products to our assets, from our pains to our gains and from expenses to sources of revenue. In the process we have fine tuned several points and ended up with our final pitching.

Pitching Presentation

Time to talk Business

As a media consulting agency with expertise and authority in high quality content on women empowerment we offer an easy and effective liaison between women in the general population, women employees and companies and brands through our products which include:

  • High quality journalistic content with expertise on women empowerment in tech.
  • Consulting services to companies to promote diversity and inclusion
  • Publications and white papers on core and crucial issues on digital literacy and women in tech
  • Bi-weekly newsletter about seminars and courses from educational platforms such as Coursera platform as well as workshops/ actions Generation Woman would organize in cooperation with foundations, institutions and NGOs .
  • Organize Workshops in cooperation with companies and brands CSR departments to offer to our customers.
  • Offer publicity and authority to corporate actions that promote digital development of women through our platform, social media accounts and newsletter

The quality of our content will be our main revenue source as a paid service. Our white papers will be on high demand because of our expertise. Companies and their employees will be our main customers and content related to technological education along with seminars organization will provide us with valuable income.

Although we are currently running on low cost and rely mainly on the team and some volunteers to create content, in order to improve our services we are planning to hire highly skilled content creators and professionals that would enhance Generation Woman authority on women in the tech field. So to achieve that and the redesigning of the brand we could use some funding.

We hope that our social impact along with the already available content will attract some sponsors in the near future.

Our team is our power

Generation Woman is a media consulting agency with the ultimate goal of helping women. So it would not be any more suitable to rely on women for its core team. Loukia Lykidi, our initial founder is an experienced Journalist with lots of published content on women empowerment in various magazines, she enriches our content with articles that appeal mostly to mature women. Maria Drasioudi is a visionary young journalist that believes in constant evolution and creates inspiring content for the younger women.Evita Politi is an experienced web developer that serves as a tech expert, organizing and improving services. Finally we owe a special word to our feminine volunteers, that provide us with useful insight and content. We are planning soon to expand our team with even more talented and motivated people.

Our Team

Where to find us

Website: Generation Woman


Instagram: Generation Woman (@generationwomangreece) • Instagram photos and videos



To cut a long story short

It was a happy coincidence for Generation Woman being relaunched in the course of Entrepreneurial Journalism Workshop under the mentoring of professor Betty Tsakarestou. There as a team Loukia Lykidi, Maria Drasioudi and Evita Politi, having a clear eye and valuable insights on the project, turned it from a self absorbed solopreneur project to a productive coworking scheme. It was an eye opening experience, not only for the entrepreneurial methods and tools, as Business Model Canvas and Design Thinking, that helped to re-evaluate and visualize a new direction for the project. Most of all it was a “journey” that helped to realize the non-business related obstacles that stood in the way and prevented the Generation Woman project from flourishing. Great moments are ahead, be ready to join us in our new beginning and we promise to thrive altogether.

Professor: Ms. Betty Tsakarestou

Team and editors: ΕΒΙΤΑ ΠΟΛΙΤΗ Loukia Lykidi Drasioudi Maria

