isportscaster: A greek sports media startup

The logo.

Our sports media startup company’s name is “”. consists of our web and mobile site and we plan to develop a mobile application for Android and iOS within the next few months. In the following article we attempt to present the business model of isportscaster’s early stages.

Our target group includes every greek sports fan or enthusiast, who wants to read, watch, listen or create sports-related content. We are also appealing to sports organizations, that want to have a better look on greek sports public opinion.

Value propositions of isportscaster are quite simple to explain. Greek sports media’s quality is considered generally inadequate, so our goal consists of giving a quality solution for those who seek something different in the greek sports media field. With a simple free subscription every sports enthusiast has the opportunity to express his opinion via blog, video or audio about the sports topics that are trending or those he’s interested in. Every subscriber has the option to like or dislike a post and the most liked post are presented on isportscaster’s homepage segmented in each different media category (blog, video and audio).

Isportscaster’s main channel to reach our customers is our website. Social media (facebook and twitter) provide another way to establish a healthy relationship with our users. According to the above, our team plans to create a mobile app for a better user experience in different platforms such as mobile and tablet devices. Nevertheless, provision of free quality content helps isprortscaster maintain valuable customer relationships. On that note, we intend to create many more channels (e.g. Direct Mail) to enable a significant boost of our user number and keeping them updated on what is trending in the sports world. Moreover, we plan to conduct frequent contests with sports themed prizes (e.g. match tickets or sports memorabilia).

Business model canvas of isportscaster.

Our key activities focus on the commentary and analysis on trending sports topics and sports in general. There are three content categories in our site (blog, video, audio) and every user can like or dislike one post. Our homepage gets updated frequently and displays the most liked posts of each category. The site content is also segmented in sports and sports club categories.

Key resources are vital for the proper operation of our company. Online and native advertisements are our main key resource, with the sale of our original content to third parties coming second. In addition to these, we have come to agreement with sports companies, that would provide them with data on the trending topics in our website.

Key partners are important factors for our website’s success. We want to create partnerships with many sports organizations (e.g. Hellenic Football Federation) and help them to better understand greek sports fans. Sports TV or radio shows and other sports websites could become significant partners of our company and help presenting our content to a wider audience. Finally, companies that want to promote their products through our website would also become valuable partners of isportscaster.

Cost structure of isportscaster is relatively simple. First of all, there is a developers team that runs the site and assists developing our app. Also, a small marketing team helps organizing and running our social media accounts and promotional activities. Last but not least, a moderators team monitors if there are any rule violations (e.g. foul language) by the users who post their content on our platform. Our plan is to employee around ten people in the first months of operation.

Isportscaster’s main revenue source is advertisements. We also plan to create an exclusive members’ club on a small monthly subscription fee in exchange of some benefits related to our site (e.g. more than one like or dislike per post, participation in prize contests). Finally, we hope to attract some sponsors, willing to invest in our sports media startup company.

isportscaster’s homepage

This is isportscaster’s business model. We hope that our sports media platform can help to change the way that fans see greek sports media and evolve into one of the best in the business.

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