M.U.S.T. aka My.Unique.Smart.Timeline

M.U.S.T. is an idea that came up as part of our journalistic/ media startups design and pitching-feedback session for the course “Entrepreneurial Journalism”, MA in ’’New Media and Journalism’’, Dept. of Communication, Media & Culture, Panteion University.

Our proposal was an on-line newsfeed customization platform that integrates all social media content in one, single interface. Our goal was to create an easy, personalized and time saving tool that allows users to customize their newsfeed preferences, managing any content coming from their favorite magazines, newspapers, authors, blogs, videos and social media platforms.

We believe that a tool that connects all accounts into one and filters millions of information so that the content that gets to your desktop or mobile device suits your interests will reduce information overload effects and will offer new opportunities to the dissemination of information.

The implementation of the idea includes the development of an online platform and a mobile version of the tool. Among other features, the user will be able to manage and archive any content he wishes, change his display preferences anytime and use any chat apps within the platform.

Main revenue streams will come from a mixed revenue model giving users the option to choose between a subscription based, ad-free use of the platform and a free of charge but with sponsored content.


Marieta Christopoulou

Efi Tzoumani

Alex Apostolopoulos

Konstantina Kiousi

