Quartz presentation by Fotini Maltezou

Quartz presentation by Fotini Maltezou

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  1. 1. Quartz: One of the best known online business brands Where the future gets its news https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9f78Z5hgtDt0n8JWyfB k8Q “We’re a guide to the new global economy for people excited by change.” Our products: • QZ.com Emails Video Apps Quartz Bot Studio Atlas Quartz Creative Social Media (Facebook Twitter Instagram LinkedIn) Elsewhere (Apple News Google Play Newsstand Flipboard Medium) “We believe in… Boldness and creativity / Taking ownership / Users first / A more global world / Force of ideas / Spirit of generosity”
  2. 2. One of the best known online business brands ‘The company has built its name as an innovator in data-driven digital journalism. One of its standout pieces of work, say people who worked at the company when it was founded, included a widget that tracked the number of private helicopters flying into Davos for the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum’. (https://www.ft.com/content/ebc99be6-7dc9-11e8-8e67- 1e1a0846c475)
  3. 3. Quartz was founded in 2012 Its main office is located in New York. url: qz.com It is among the fastest-growing and most closely watched, digital news sites • Its founding team members were from news organizations including Bloomberg, The Economist, The New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal • mobile-first focus on social distribution, email newsletters, and high-quality ads • Quartz is structured around a collection of phenomena or “obsessions“. • “obsessive” model of mobile-friendly, explanatory journalism;
  4. 4. What Poynter reported about the Quartz launch in 2012 1. Tablet-first focus 2. Elite audience 3. No more ‘beats’ of fixed beats, We structure our newsroom around an ever-evolving collection of phenomena — the patterns, trends and seismic shifts that are shaping the world our readers live in. “Financial markets” is a beat, but “the financial crisis” is a phenomenon. “The environment” is a beat, but “climate change” is a phenomenon. “Energy” is a beat, but “the global surge of energy abundance” is a phenomenon. “China” is a beat, but “Chinese investment in Africa” is a phenomenon. We call these phenomena our “obsessions”. These are the kinds of topics Quartz will put in its navigation bar, and as the world changes, so will they. 4. Free, with ads and sponsored content 5. The name (embodies the new brand’s essential character: global, disruptive, and digital).
  5. 5. September 2012 (“The newsonomics of Quartz’ business launch”) • Fast innovator Atlantic Media wrote the playbook for Quartz. That playbook almost seemed too fashionable: • ✓ Designed for mobile and web-native ✓ A browser app only, not available as iOS or Android native apps ✓ No small-unit banner ads, with native ad “posts” the primary format ✓ Focused on visuals, with big photos and lots of sharable charts ✓ A global focus, in coverage and in audience, from the start
  6. 6. 2014: •About 4.7 million monthly unique visitors. •40% of readers are from outside the U.S. The top five countries, in order: U.S., U.K., Canada, Australia, and India. •More than 60 % of the audience is executive level •70 % are male (sometimes standalone tech) •40 % of its traffic is from mobile, with mobile heaviest on evenings and weekends, as at other news sites. Smartphone usage dominates the early morning, and out-distances tablet usage overall about 4-to-1. •Fully 70 % of traffic is driven by social links. •70,000 readers have signed up for The Daily Brief newsletter (2014) The newsletter has been an important driver of habit and usage — and registration data.
  7. 7. 2016 Quartz’s first news app for iPhone February 11, 2016: We just released our first news app for iPhone, which you can download from the App Store right now. Tap or click here to get it. • We’ll send you messages, photos, GIFs, and links, and you can tap to respond when you’re interested in learning more about a topic. • Add our complication to your watch face to see how the US markets are faring — in the form of an emoji.
  8. 8. Join a high-quality discussion with the experts behind the headlines • Richard Branson • Founder at Virgin Group • Kai-Fu Lee • Chairman & CEO at Sinovation Ventures • Kristalina Georgieva • CEO at World Bank • Punit Renjen • Global CEO at Deloitte • Ian Bremmer • President at Eurasia Group and GZERO Media • Andrew Chen • Startup Investor at Andreessen Horowitz • Arianna Huffington • Founder and CEO at Thrive Global • Beth Comstock • Author • Dambisa Moyo • Global Economist & Author • Soraya Darabi • General Partner at Trail Mix Ventures • Don Tapscott • Co-Founder & Executive Chairman at Blockchain Research Institute • Tiffani Bova • Global, Customer Growth and Innovation Evangelist at Salesforce
  9. 9. 2016 Harvard’s Nieman Lab described Quartz as among the fastest-growing and most closely watched digital news sites 2017: 700,000 readers of Daily Brief and pop-up newsletters, a tenfold increase since 2014 • The Quartz Daily Brief morning newsletter brings the publisher’s business-focused audience around 20 important stories from around the web to set them up for the day. • The afternoon Obsession newsletter was introduced in 2017 and gives people more time to go deep on a particular niche area
  10. 10. In 2018, Quartz was sold to Uzabase, a Japanese business media company, for between $75 and $110 million. Quartz is a news website. … Quartz targets high- earning readers, calling itself a “digitally native news outlet for business people in the new global economy”. Quartz is a high-end play, differentiating itself from the more mass-oriented Business Insider and Forbes.com.
  11. 11. Quartz Daily Brief <hi@qz.com> 6/12/2018
  12. 12. Today 12/12/2018 Hillary Clinton is among the foreign A-listers attending festivities that have included a private concert by Beyoncé (paywall). The wedding has its own app. May has scrambled to meet European leaders after calling off a vote in the UK parliament on her unpopular Brexit deal, but EU officials have said there’s no further room to negotiate.
  13. 13. 11/12/2018
  14. 14. The afternoon Obsession newsletter • “There’s a hunger for smart, relevant, interesting coverage that’s not regurgitated and not the same news day today.” • The publisher wouldn’t share how many people subscribe to Obsession, but it said the open rate is over 78 percent, much higher than the average open rate for media newsletters, which is about 22 percent, according to MailChimp. • The forwarding email click-through rates [for Obsession] are really high.
  15. 15. The Obsession newsletter • The team takes inspiration from the day’s news to single out which topics to focus on in the newsletter. • For example, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un’s address on New Year’s Day sparked an Obsession email about the “nuclear button” and how the symbol has been used in history and politics. It’s a dense topic, but it has the scope to be covered from both a narrow and wide enough perspective to warrant an Obsession email. • The newsletter is also customized by location, and reporters from across the world take turns writing it, with the newsletter adopting a different byline each day.
  16. 16. Atlas, the new home for charts and data By Zachary M. Seward June 23, 2015 • Today we are thrilled to launch Atlas, a new platform for discovering and sharing great charts. You can find it at atlas.qz.com. • Atlas, the new home for charts and data
  17. 17. Join us for this golden age of video journalism: a letter from our editor in chief By Kevin J. Delaney July 19, 2018 Editor in chief and co-president • Quartz today launches a new weekly news program that’s a prime example — you can watch it on Facebook • This pursuit began for Quartz three years ago, when we established a video lab focused on experimenting and understanding what people wanted to watch online. • And, in recent months alone, our video journalism won a prestigious Gerald Loeb award and an Edward R. Murrow award. • https://www.facebook.com/QuartzNewsShow/videos/1988 075574594400/
  18. 18. The videos created by the small team in Quartz’s newsroom have been viewed over one billion times. • Some of the works we’re proudest of have: • taken people to places they’d never otherwise go, such as the unexplored depths of the sea and the scientists attempting to make sense of the otherworldly creatures that inhabit it. • used ingenious, original animation to make complex things understandable, like in this video about Nathan Chen’s Olympic skating moves. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RtFGwpMlOYo • looked ahead to where tech innovation is taking us, and found the humanity within it. (ΑΙ) • channeled a consumer craze — such as sparkling water — to take you thousands of years into the past.
  19. 19. https://qz.com/se/the-talent- quotient/ The key to any company’s success? Its people — to innovate, to execute, to manage, to lead.
  20. 20. How much is your job offer actually worth?
  21. 21. a weekly education in the global economy that’s written so you can make more informed decisions at work, in your investments, and in life.
  22. 22. As a member ($14.99 per month, or for $99.99 per year) you’ll receive: •Weekly field guides •Profiles and Q&As •Deeper access to Quartz: (Get your questions answered — and help guide our coverage — in conference calls that go deeper on each week’s guide and other topics in the news. Starting in 2019, you’ll also receive invitations to events with other Quartz members.
  23. 23. Atlantic Media sells Quartz to Japan’s Uzabase (https://www.ft.com/content/ebc99be6-7dc9-11e8-8e67-1e1a0846c475) JULY 2, 2018 The Quartz sale is part of Atlantic Media chairman David Bradley’s plan to step back from publishing. Uzabase is best known for its NewsPicks news curation app, which has become a favourite with white-collar Japanese commuters and chief executives. ‘The sale of one of the best known online business brands follows a fallow period for digital publishers, whose valuations have slid in recent years. Changes to Facebook’s algorithm have hit traffic referrals, while revenues have been pummelled by the rise of Google and Facebook as an effective duopoly in online advertising.’
  24. 24. By Fotini Maltezou • Researcher • Writer • Communicator • Environmentalist • Photographer Entrepreneurial Journalism (MA in New Media and Journalism) at Panteion University, Athens, Greece Taught by Betty Tsakarestou: Associate Professor, Dept. of Communication, Media & Culture, Greece, Head of Advertising and PR Lab

Originally published at www.slideshare.net.

