Quartz: When the economy meets storytelling.

Quartz is a digitally native news outlet founded in 2012, and it is targeting global businesses. Due to the global financial crisis, the data has changed and new needs to set up different types of businesses have been created. This is a platform that covers many of these needs. Ιts base is located in New York, but Quartz has correspondents in many countries around the world. They heavily focus on storytelling techniques because they think it’s the best way to report and offer information on the internet and is generally a technique that has been greatly applied over the last few years. It invests in new technology and new technological methods. For this reason, its data can be uniformly equally accessed by Smartphone or laptop or anything else.

It gives an air of innovation and freedom, since it gives access to all its sources for the readers to check, open newsroom etc. The site also tries to be as transparent as possible, in an attempt to maintain its integrity, stating that they do not take payments of any kind in return for coverage, do not have shareholders, investors or they themselves invest in other companies or projects and also, do not adjust their editorial content to advertisers’ wishes. It is also accessible through facebook and twitter. Quartz was published by Atlantic Media Inc. with the idea of focusing on ​​mobile devices first. It has innovated many things in reference to journalism, which has changed in recent years and has grown to an impressive extent. Journalists need to have more knowledge of new technological methods, adapt quickly to new environments and have universal knowledge of many things at the same time. The journalist of the old media with the journalists of the new media have different qualities and completely different characteristics and that has emerged from the new needs that have been created.

Quartz as a business is considered a success since it has 22 million visitors per month, 680 thousand get email newsletters and 745 thousand get app notification during the day. As much as the users report, 52% are men and 48% are women, while 72% of the page is visited by mobile devices users, while only 28% by Desktop. And one more important point is that 40% of readers are outside the USA. This means that it has been tested by the readers for years, and has succeeded in being valid and objective about the news that take place on this page. Quartz is developing new storytelling methods and empowering others to use them, since storytelling exists not only in journalism but also in all areas of people's lives. Everything is storytelling and so everything must be expressed through storytelling, it's a good way to explain things and situations, so the general public can understand the situations they are presented with. Storytelling is a weapon in the hands of journalists, through which they can explain in a different way a story and it is readily perceived by readers.As a start up Quartz is successful, because the site has managed to spark the interest of readers, to be high enough in the preferences and has been adapted both as a technology and as content according to the circumstances of the time. The fact that it refers to financial issues and is addressed to businesses does not make it inaccessible and unrecognizable to other people. Instead, it has been able to gain the interest of both women and men since it handles all the issues in a special way and makes them accessible to anyone who really wants to be informed about economic and business news.

According to Business Model Canvas, Key Partners of Quartz are businesses, businessmen’s, economists, lawyers, the government, the Ministry of Finance and the banks. Probably Quartz should have more Key Partners but in this study we point out the most important ones. But the most interest part of a “innovation product” is the Value Proposition. If we manage to answer the value proposition question, which is no other than ‘’what problem we solve by creating such a site?”, then we will have the answer to the most basic question. In case study of Quartz the value proposition is the newness, the accessibility and the usability of site content. And alongside Value Proposition goes Costumer Segments, which refers to the potential customers of the site and in the specific case are industrialists, ship-owners, large-scale business and generally businessmen. Finally, one of the most important point Business Model Canvas is Revenue Streams, because if a business does not have economic growth, it cannot become viable and it will be lost. For Quartz Revenue Streams have base on advertising, brokerage fees, licensing, subscription and asset sale.

