The new innovative APP for people dealing with visual problems

Safe’s Step official website and the available app for androids and iOS

Nowadays, one part of Greece’s population consisting of women, men, kids and elderly people, dealing with visual problems. That’s the reason why we decided to create a new innovative APP, named ‘’SAFE STEP’’. Those people’s life, is not at all as simple as for the others, because every single day they are facing problems due to their physical disability. Although they have the will and of course the right to live their life like all the others, the lack of state infrastructure doesn’t allow them. Despite the fact that there are few others similar apps in Europe, in Greece there is nothing to cover this need and gap. So, it’s the right time for us to present you our App, which differentiates because of its special content and features.

The Safe’s Step value propositions are focused on the difficulty of people being able to see, recognize places, recreation areas and visit places such as others who do not have visual problems. Also, blind’s people need to be able to browse a site specially designed for them and the elimination of exclusion from everyday social activities. Moreover, our customer segment addresses to Greek men and women of all ages, specially blinds and older people with visual problems. We have the vision to help them make their life easier and we feel that our mission is to make them happier and feel secure in their everyday routine, as well in their removals from place to place.

As it concerns the key activities, they are based on the full and detailed information about the surrounding environment through voice directions given step by step, recorded instructions and informative content about roads, monuments, building architecture, cafes, theatres etch. Furthermore, specially configured site for visually impaired people and user friendly formatted content (podcasts, videos, articles, texts and suggestions).

Safe Step, aspires to build strong, confident and interactive customer relations with the initial users. Through these relations, the basic goal is to make them feel independent, more active and safe. Basically, we want to create a community for these people in a snappier and fun way, based on socialization and organization of competitions and thematic events. Its value propositions are delivered to customers through the official website, blog and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) and also appropriate spots on radio stations.

Site structure

Οur future key partners who will help us to our mission, is the University of Athens, the Ministry of Labor, Social Security and Social Solidarity, the Greek Ministry of Health and the ‘’Ygeia’’ Health Club. Also, the app of OpenStreetMap, the Association of Greek Tourist Enterprises, Facebook, Google and Spotify.

Our key resources are a developer, a graphic Designer, an IT Manager, a journalist and the Editorial team (journalists, authors), the special Education Staff, tour guides, the Marketing team, a Social Media Manager, a Finance Dept, an Attorney at law and an Accountant Manager.

Safe’s Step cost structure includes Software Development, Server Hosting, Graphic Designer, Salaries, Operating costs, Taxes and Law Department. Finally, the revenue streams, will arise from Membership (Subscription- Download 0.99€), the Premium benefits costed 3.99€, Donations-Sponsoring, Ministry and EU funding programs and Ads (NGOs, clubs, medical companies, travel agencies, venues, private doctors).

In conclusion, we hope that our App, will be widely accepted in a very short time. Six months window based on the organization of excursions and thematic events and the desire to reach 23.000 subscribers who will participate in competitions and win special prizes after the first year, are our priorities.

To learn more, visit us on:

Also, check out our presentation here

Our pre- work on Safe’s Step Startup:



Eftychia Eikosipentidou
Digital Media Startups  and Entrepreneurial Journalism Solutions

_Communication, Media and Culture _MA in New Media and Journalism _Panteion University _Greece _London #food #sea #love #writing #listener lover